Why Obama Threw Clapper Under The Bus! These questions are of - TopicsExpress


Why Obama Threw Clapper Under The Bus! These questions are of profound relevance to the American people... When President Obama attributed the rise in Iraq of the Islamic State, or ISIS, to the failures of the U.S. intelligence community earlier this week, naming and blaming directly National Intelligence Director Gen. James Clapper, he was attempting to deflect criticism of his own incompetence. He was discussing the fact that ISIS, right under his own and the general’s noses, gained control of nearly half of the landmass of Iraq. This is the same Iraq that the United States supposedly liberated from the clutches of a dictator, strengthened as a regional military power, and fortified as the Middle East’s newest democracy as a result of our invasion in 2003 and our subsequent 10-year occupation. Many who supported the war then realize now that we were duped into it by a deceptive and shortsighted Bush administration that was looking to deflect blame for its intelligence failures of 9/11, for which, unlike the Japanese invasion of Pearl Harbor, not a single human being in the federal government has been charged with anything. But that is a topic for another day. ISIS captured Fallujah and Ramadi, two major cities in Iraq, eight months ago. Surely the president knew about that when it happened. He receives an intelligence briefing every day; more often than not, he prefers a written briefing rather than one where he and his briefers can zero in on problem areas in a face-to-face conversation. Yet, since the February takeover of the Iraqi equivalents of Chicago and Los Angeles, the president has told the American people that ISIS is junior varsity and he had no plans to address it, and he seemed not to care about it until ISIS went over his head, so to speak, and beheaded two innocent young Americans and posted grisly videos of their horrific murders on the Internet. If the president now believes we should fight ISIS because it killed two Americans and boasted about it, he woefully misunderstands his job, which is to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, not every American everywhere on the planet. If he is convinced ISIS poses an imminent threat to the freedom of Americans and the security of our country, it is hard to believe that these two murders alone brought him to that conclusion. Does he genuinely believe that 25,000 ill-equipped fanatics 10,000 miles from here, with no navy or air force, could possibly be a clear and present danger to the U.S.? And if he does, when and how did he come to that belief if his intelligence team failed him? These questions are of profound relevance to the American people, because with each passing day, it appears that the president is more indifferent to the facts around him and less competent at pulling the levers of government. Yet he is sending American troops into harm’s way on an ill-defined long-term mission without congressional authorization as the Constitution requires. Here is where his condemnation of Clapper comes in. Clapper is the senior intelligence officer in the federal government. All of our civilian spies, domestic and foreign, indirectly report to him. His job is to steal and keep secrets within the boundaries of the Constitution, which he, like the president, has sworn to defend. Read more at westernjournalism/clapper-bus/#POufavVPggmUBhqg.99 westernjournalism/clapper-bus/
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 22:28:24 +0000

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