Why Organic If you are interested in the health of your skin and - TopicsExpress


Why Organic If you are interested in the health of your skin and your overall well-being, then you have good reason to buy organic. Our organic products are world class. They are great for your skin, kind to the environment, and free of the health concerns associated with the use of many ‘mainstream’ cosmetics, which rely on the use of synthetic chemicals. Kind to the Environment Our products are certified organic. This guarantees that the ingredients we put into our products have been grown and handled according to strict procedures and without relying on toxic chemical fertilisers or pesticides. Organic farming methods also respect the balance demanded of a healthy ecosystem, encouraging biodiversity and ensuring well-nurtured soils which produce strong, healthy plants containing all the phyto-nutrients necessary to care for our skin. Free of Synthetic Chemicals On average, we apply more than 200 chemicals to our bodies every day, many of which are absorbed directly into our bloodstream. If you are using traditional cosmetics, then these chemicals are likely to be synthetic in nature. And, as recent studies indicate, that’s most likely bad news for your health. Increasingly, these chemicals - synthetic compounds like phthalates, parabens, sodium lauryl sulphate and triclosan - are being associated with a host of ailments, including infertility, heart disease and cancer. Certified organic products don’t contain these chemicals. They are wholly natural, derived from the earth and not a test tube. Good for You and Your Skin Organic products derive from the natural world; from plants, herbs and flowers, rather than a laboratory. They are pure, clean, and help to nurture the skin. In Ayurveda, there is an expression, “Every plant is a medicine”. What this means is that all plants carry ingredients which have powerful therapeutic benefits and recent studies have shown that we possess natural receptors for medicinal plants. Our bodies respond instinctively to them, welcoming the restorative, regenerative powers they possess.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 08:17:18 +0000

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