Why Pain and Suffering? -2- Is He wicked because He is able and - TopicsExpress


Why Pain and Suffering? -2- Is He wicked because He is able and willing, but will not? If He is weak, feeble and wicked He is not God. Then we must ask since God is not the source of evil what is its source? Since He is God and He knows the source then why does He not remove it immediately? The prophet Habakkuk asked God, “Why do You make me see iniquity? Why do you cause me to look on wickedness?” (Hab. 1:3). The prophet Jeremiah asked another relevant question, “Why has the way of the wicked prospered?” (12:1). The Hebrew mind reasoned that all suffering is unjust and that God’s silence is inexcusable. In Hebrew, the word “why” is a cry of protest. How strange that we call God on the carpet every time there is a tragedy, or crisis in our lives. We go to Him and demand that He explain Himself and He had better have a good reason that satisfies us or we will not believe in Him. Our insistence on demands from God in time of disaster borders on arrogance and spiritual infidelity. The fact is the Lord God does not have to explain Himself to anyone simply because He is the sovereign God. In the book of Job God is totally silent for 37 chapters. He patiently listens to Job and never says one word. Then He asked one question, “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding” (38:4). To paraphrase God, “You wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t decided to create you.” “Shall the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? He who rebukes God, let him answer it” (40:2). The Lord God is a sovereign, good God and His providence extends over all things including both good and evil. He demonstrates His sovereignty by His ability to bring good out of evil, and to use it for His glory and our good. He is absolutely good and righteous; therefore, He can redeem that which is evil and use it for His eternal purposes. I may not know the reason why, but the Lord knows, and that is enough. I may not know why the Lord leads me in paths I dread, but the Lord knows and therefore I will trust and obey Him. There is good in the world because God is good. We experience His goodness because He is the God of grace.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 06:50:09 +0000

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