Why Pisces Lose Themselves In Love People born under the sign - TopicsExpress


Why Pisces Lose Themselves In Love People born under the sign of Pisces live for love. The words “love bug” and “cuddle bunny” come to mind when thinking of a Pisces in love. Both women and men with the Sun, Moon, or rising sign here crave relationships, and are happiest with someone to connect with deeply. Ironically, those of this natural 12th sign (the sign and house of isolation and retreat) don’t do so well alone… though they can be very shy and sensitive, causing them to hibernate. I call them the “best-kept secret in town…” Unless afflicted, they’re generous, soulful, romantic people who make supportive, giving partners. They long for union and deep connection so much that they have to be careful of settling and not holding out for that soulmate… Their attachments can be fickle and fleeting, causing them to “love the one they’re with.” One moment they’re weeping at a TV commercial about kittens, the next they’re laughing at something funny in an email, and the next they’re sharing deep wisdom about a spiritual truth… So you never can be sure who’s going to answer the door when visiting these “fragile flowers.” This is considered the most thin-skinned, impressionable sign of the zodiac, so it’s critical that they surround themselves with those who honor their tender feelings and are healthy. They have to be very careful whom they give their heart to, because over time they’ll morph into a version of that person – taking on their beliefs, mannerisms, style, and values. In love, they follow their heart over their head, and have to be extremely careful of picking lovers who aren’t good for them. This is the sign most likely to say the dreaded words “but I LOVE him,” when treated badly. OVER-GIVING and over-accommodating, they put the needs of the other person FIRST and avoid confrontations at all costs – these are the greatest challenges of these watery beings in all of their relationships. This is the natural sign of volunteering and self-sacrifice, so they make the best counselors, teachers, and consultants… Just as long as they avoid picking partners who need HELP, and do all that counseling, teaching, and consulting ON THE CLOCK and FOR PAY – not in their private lives… “Pisces long for union and deep connection so much that they have to be careful of settling and not holding out for that soulmate.” If you’re in love with a Pisces, be sure to be a patient listener – they NEED to share their innermost thoughts and feelings, and they thrive on lots of attention. They DO NOT respond well to “tough love” or constructive feedback, and they take any criticism way too hard. They feel soothed by animals and nature, and they especially enjoy being around water. Life with a Pisces will be a dreamy, romantic adventure, full of snuggles, support, art, and passion… You may not know that there are actually THREE signs within the sign of Pisces, each with even more distinct, specific personality “quirks” and emotional needs.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:31:19 +0000

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