Why Satan Hates Genesis and Revelation More - TopicsExpress


Why Satan Hates Genesis and Revelation More !!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------- THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M And if Satan hates any Book in the Bible, its the Revelation. Theres two... He hates all Scripture, and its--the whole canon of Scripture. But if anything, he despises mostly, is Revelations and Genesis; because Genesis tells the beginning; Revelation reveals whats going to happen to him in the last days. Hes going to be bound a thousand years. Then him and the false prophet and the beast is going to be throwed alive into the lake of fire. And hell attack the Book of Genesis upon it--its being authentic. Hell say that, It--it is not authentic. Hell stir the minds of people. Watch where the devil lays that Book of Genesis or the Book of Revelations, the first and the last. THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M Satan hates the Revelations and Genesis, I got wrote down here. That is exactly true. Now, why does he hate a revelation? Why is he so against revelation? Is because that the entire canon of Gods Word and Gods church is solemnly built upon revelation. Itll never be through a--a school. No matter how many fine seminaries we have, theyre way back in the dimmed age. The Bible and the church is absolutely a revelation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The greater your understanding of the book of revelation, the greater your understanding of the future. Satan hates the book of Revelation for that reason, because it interferes with his plans for you. Satan would tell us that Genesis is myth and Revelation is mystery While Satan hates all Scripture in general, he hates the books of Genesis and Revelation in particular. Therefore he attacks the authenticity of Genesis, and seeks to have Revelation neglected. Satan hates Genesis because it reveals Gods glorious creation and Christs ultimate defeat of Satan in the last days. The book of Genesis has suffered many years of continuous attacks by those who hate the Bible. Satan hates the Book of Revelation more than any other in the Bible because it reveals his true character, his deceptions, his devices and his ultimate overthrow. Satan hates the books the book of revelation as it exposes the denominations where satan is hiding behind. Satan hates the book of genesis where satan hides behind the cain religious and vain worship and nimrod similar to denominational worships. Genesis and Revelation are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending..Similarly Apostlic age is Alpha and This age is Omega where people had the full revelation of Gods word. The restoration happened and satan is exposed. Few Key Parallels Between Genesis and Revelation: --------------------------------------------------------------------- A - Genesis and B - Revelation 1. A. Book of beginning. B. Book of the end. 2. Satan’s first rebellion, 1:2a. Satan’s final rebellion, 20:3, 7-10. 3. Entrance of sin, 3:4-7. End of sin, 21:4, 8; 22:14-15. 4. Curse pronounced, 3:14, 17. “No more curse,” 22:3. 5. Death entered, 3:19. “No more death,” 21:4. 6. Man driven out of Eden, 3:24. Man restored to Eden, 22:1-21. 7. Tree of life guarded 3:24. “Right to tree of life,” 22:14. 8. Sorrow and suffering enter, 3:17-19. No more sorrow or crying, 21:4. 9. Nimrod founds Babylonian system contrary to God, 10:8-9. Babylon system culminates in the Denominations, chapters 13, 17. 10. Marriage of first Adam, 2:18-24. Marriage of last Adam, 19:1-9. 11. Man’s dominion ceases and Satan’s begins, 3:24. Satan’s dominion ends and eternal sons of God restored to the Kingdom, 22. 12. Old serpent causes sin, suffering, and death, 3:1. Old serpent bound for 1,000 years, 20:1-3. 13. Doom of the old serpent pronounced, 3:15. Doom on the old serpent executed, 20:10.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 22:31:56 +0000

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