Why The English Defence League members are coming to Rotherham - TopicsExpress


Why The English Defence League members are coming to Rotherham this Saturday We are coming to Rotherham to highlight the impact of creeping Islamisation in England and to stir others into action. Numbers count: the more people who march with the EDL, the greater our reach, and the greater our impact. We strike while the iron is hot! The English Defence League remains the largest, most active and most successful group opposing the Islamisation of England. We have used our demonstrations to raise issues, expose complacency and call for change. With Rotherham, events have moved into a new phase. We now have 1,400 English girls who are victims of Muslim abusers in one town. The number is huge and we can expect it to grow as more abuse is revealed in Rotherham, and the total will rocket when the truth comes out in Rochdale, Sheffield, Derby, Birmingham, Oldham, Bradford and many more cities. The direct abusers were the men who groomed the girls. But there were also indirect abusers: the police, officials and politicians who ignored and covered up the suffering of the victims. How could this have occurred in Yorkshire, possibly England’s proudest county? EDL members are taking a stand in Rotherham such as they have never taken before. Why are we demonstrating in Rotherham? • to show support for the 1,400 victims and their families and friends • to declare that we are ‘on the case’ of Muslim child grooming across England • to highlight the many ways Islam is progressively undermining the England we know and love with something we find alien, nasty, uncomfortable and threatening. And many fear it’s unstoppable. What good will the English Defence League march in Rotherham do? • With every extra pair of boots on the ground, we will show television audiences and newspaper readers that the EDL is a force to be reckoned with in the defence of England • With every printed Divisional hoodie we are showing that we come from all across England to support each other • With every Divisional banner and flag we attract television and press cameras - and the more coverage they give us, the more we give other people the opportunity and courage to speak up in their families and among their acquaintances • With every child, every woman, every older person at the demonstration, we are showing that our marches are not just lads on ‘recreational protests’, but ordinary people giving their backing to a cause they all believe in • For every rowdy chant and every hearty song we are creating good media and so increasing the chances of getting our message into millions more homes, and changing minds. Every additional voice will help get this demo into the television news and the press. • For every witty banner and thought-provoking poster we increase our chances of getting media coverage, having Islamisation discussed on talk shows and setting many thousands of others thinking afresh about the problems of Islam in England • For every speech our speakers give and every rousing cheer we give those speakers, we increase the chance of getting those speakers’ messages to more people • For every additional person marching in Rotherham, we can fire up even more people to join us on 20 September in Downing Street • We need to show up at Rotherham because we are the voices of those people without the time, the people without the money, the people with families, neighbours, employers who would not approve • The more people who join us in Rotherham, the more we will put the wind up the Councils and police in towns that we know are grooming centres. Greater numbers in Rotherham will drive official action to protect English girls in other centres. Do they want us in their towns naming names, just as we have named Shaun Wright in Rotherham? Do they want EDL camps on their doorsteps exposing their irresponsibility? • Every person marching with us in Rotherham will be doing something positive to protect English girls in their home towns. The authorities have been slack to say the least, but those authorities that have the capacity to get their act together will be given a kick along by the English Defence League’s demonstration in Rotherham – the bigger the better. In the past many of us were drawn to our demonstrations by the excitement, the speeches and the adrenaline. In those days we were warning of the threats. Today the threats are a sickening reality. 1,400 victims prove that the threat has begun crushing English people as it rolls on – starting with our most vulnerable. So on Saturday we’ll be marching not for OUR enjoyment of a good demo, but for THEM, the girls. And we’ll be marching because it’s our duty. OUR duty, because almost everyone else seems to be in denial or leaving it up to someone else. Every person who comes with us to Rotherham, by their presence, their voice and their determination, will be chipping away at that denial Every English Defence League marcher on Saturday will be able to say, in 2016, 2017 and 2018, “Thousands of girls are leading happy lives today, perhaps dreaming realistically of raising a family, because I and hundreds of others demonstrated back in 2014.” The days of recreational protest are over. Its our public duty now. It’s not “What’s in it for me?”, but “What’s in it for them?” We should, we must speak out because we CAN ... and because if we dont, very soon we will no longer be able to.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 21:02:03 +0000

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