Why The Incarnation Of Jesus? And she shall bring forth a son, - TopicsExpress


Why The Incarnation Of Jesus? And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). The whole of human race is plagued with one common ailment called sin. Sin is defined by someone as moral insanity. It is a disease that is not limited to a particular tribe, or ethnic group, or region, or nation, or a particular geographical location, or continent. It also respects nobody be it a medical doctor, professor, preacher, educated, illiterate, rich or poor. And there is not known cure for it outside the finished work of Christ at Calvary. Many who pass mental sanity test may not pass moral sanity test. Sin is called moral insanity because of the symptoms its patients exhibit. It is amazing how a man that claims to be sane mentally can hack his wife to death with matchet! It look stupid for a professor with all his academic qualification to descend so low to the status of a beast to sleep with a girl that he is old enough to grandfather! But these things happen. If one look at our society today, it is not difficult to find people that are suffering from moral insanity. They are everywhere. Girls that want to be naked by all means despite their academic achievements. Profanity of different degrees are seen everywhere and everyday. But thank God for this powerful statement made by the angel to Joseph. For he shall His people from their sins. Jesus was manifested to cure this moral insanity. Efforts have been made by people to change people and nations. Governmental laws and legislations have not been able to achieve much. Beloved, only Jesus can cure this disease. His blood is the only tonic that can heal as many that are suffering from this malady. Come to Him for total healing and deliverance and He will set you free. Remain grounded in the truth!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 05:22:55 +0000

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