Why The Trials? There are circumstances, in which God allows - TopicsExpress


Why The Trials? There are circumstances, in which God allows some of his children to go through multiple trials. You may have wondered, Why you have gone through so many trials? Why you went through the fiery furnace, the lions den, or why you were sifted as wheat? As we have said earlier in this book, some trials are designed to try your faith. God may want to work patience into your life. However, this is not always the case! Sometimes, the trials that we go through are for a specific purpose. For example, to soften our hearts, or to mould and shape us, so that we might walk humbly before the Lord. He may want to reshape any imperfections, which might spoil our walk with God. But there is one caveat for Christians going through trials. Such trials are instigated by God, and for the good of his children. Sometimes, God will allow his people to go through trials to turn their hearts more gentle, in preparation for the next part of their journey. Sometimes, such trials will bring us to the waters edge, so that we might look out from the confines of your own nation, and catch a vision for the rest of the world. Sometimes, God wants us to stop looking inwards, and start looking outwards. He wants us to be in a state of willingness, so that we might receive a vision from God. And, like the prophet in Isaiah Chapter 6, we need to be prepared to go and serve God, where others might refuse to go. The moulding of our hearts is required, as preparation for the work ahead; work which God has chosen for us to do. Although no one likes trials, they are a quick way of developing character in us, so that we might be more usable by God in ministry. And theres something worth noting about going through such trials, especially difficult trials. God (usually) only puts those who he has a special work for through such difficult trials. Therefore, God has to speed things up, allowing us to be moulded, while we are down here in earth. Because, once our time is done on earth, we probably wont get a second chance of developing the characteristics, which can only be moulded during our lifetime, while ever we are on earth. This does not mean that we will not be perfect in heaven, because we know that we will be. But the perfecting of the saints is a process, which needs to take place during our life times here on earth. It is not something that will necessarily continue, once we have gone to heaven. So, even though trials are hard, remember, God still has your best interests at heart.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 13:02:08 +0000

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