Why The Two Hemispheres Of Your Brain Are Different. Extract - - TopicsExpress


Why The Two Hemispheres Of Your Brain Are Different. Extract - ‘The Master and His Emissary’ by Iain McGilchrist. (Ch. 1 ‘Asymmetry and the Brain.’ Page 25.) “What are the advantages of having a bi-hemispheric, structurally divided brain? It is perhaps because animals and birds experience competing needs. This can be seen at one level in terms of the types of attention they are required to bring to bear on the world. There is a need to focus attention narrowly and with precision, as a bird, for example, needs to focus on a grain of corn that it must eat, on order to pick it out from, say, the pieces of grit on which it lies. (Left Brain) At the same time there is a need for open attention, as wide as possible, to guard against a possible predator. (Right Brain) That requires some doing. It’s like a particularly bad case of trying to rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time - only worse, because it’s an impossibility. Not only do these two different exercises need to be carried out simultaneously, they are quite different kinds of exercise, requiring not just that attention be divided, but that it should be of two distinct types, at once. It is similar with problem solving. The right hemisphere presents an array of possible solutions so that alternatives can be explored. The left hemisphere, by contrast, takes the single solution that seems to best fit what it already knows and latches on to it. The right hemisphere processes information in a non-focal manner offering widespread meanings. It makes distantly related meanings available, and this is why we associate the right hemisphere with a freer, more creative style.” Most work in Hypnotherapy is accomplished through the language of metaphor and imagery, which is the coded language of the Right Brain and of the imagination. It really is a completely different way of thinking about things. It is this connectivity with the right hemisphere, that allows hypnotherapy to be so rapidly transformational.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:49:34 +0000

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