Why Tracing The Brotherhood Is A Tall Order A review into the - TopicsExpress


Why Tracing The Brotherhood Is A Tall Order A review into the Islamist groups activities in the UK will have to separate the violent radicals from the ideologists. 3:37pm UK, Tuesday 01 April 2014 A member of the Muslim Brotherhood protests in Cairo Email Tim Marshall Diplomatic Editor More from Tim | Follow Tim on Twitter The British government has ordered an investigation into the Muslim Brotherhoods (MB) activities in the UK. It fears the repression of radical members in Egypt may have driven some to take up residence in Britain. The domestic intelligence agency MI5 will take the lead in the investigation, but Prime Minister David Cameron also wants to know more about the philosophy of the MB to see if it is compatible with democracy. If not, the group could be banned in the UK, although this is considered unlikely. A Downing Street spokesperson said Mr Cameron had ordered a review into the origins, philosophy, activities, and record in and out of Government of the MB; and of its connections, real or alleged, with extremism, terrorism, sedition, subversion and other activities which damage, actually or potentially, UK national interests. The intelligence agencies face a difficult task in establishing who is and isnt in the Muslim Brotherhood. Since its earliest beginning in Egypt in the 1920s, it has been a secretive organisation with a partial cell structure, many front organisations, splinter groups and groups which share a similar philosophy that political Islam is the the answer to the question of how to govern people. Steven Merley, an investigator of extremist movements, who has tracked MB activity for more than a decade , told Sky News: Many groups dont call themselves Muslim Brotherhood but they are linked to what I call the Global Muslim Brotherhood. The review will try to unravel who is who, and to what degree they are both extremist and active. Mr Merley, who runs the Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch website says: The Brotherhood works by trying to get inside the DNA of other groups such as lawyers and doctors. By so doing they seek influence in the groups, which in turn have influence on politics and political thought. Hassan al Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood Part of the reason for this subterfuge is due to necessity. The MB has always been persecuted and as such has had to operate partially underground. One tactic is to have several wealthy members sponsor a variety of groups with different names which appear not to be linked - an idea that appears to have been put into practice throughout Europe. The movement was founded in 1928 in Egypt by Hassan al Banna. He developed the concept of melding Islam with politics – Islamism. It was an idea which quickly spread across the Arab world and MB branches were set up across the Middle East. He also promoted the idea that death could be more valuable than life a notion which helped inspire future generations of suicide bombers. Along with the 1960s ideologist Sayid Qubt, he laid the foundations for the ideological beliefs of groups such as al Qaeda. In Egypt, the MB was elected to power after the 2011 overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak. However, last summer the MB-dominated government was itself overthrown in a coup détat and since then has been brutally suppressed. Former President Mohamed Morsi is on trial and just last week 528 MB supporters were sentenced to death by a court in Cairo. The lesson drawn from the coup by some members was that it was pointless operating within the political system, which has seen them turn to terrorism. However, that is not the official MB policy and British intelligence does not believe the wave of attacks in the Sinai region is linked to the MB. The spiritual leader of the Brotherhood is 86-year-old Sheik Qaradawi. He is on record as saying that Islam will return to Europe for a third time. However he, unlike some other radicals, is careful to say that the third conquest of Europe will be through Dawa or proselytising. There is nothing illegal about this and many Christian activists share a similar view that the world should unite under one religion. As the British authorities try to piece together the jigsaw they will also have to separate ideologists from radicals, and separate them from radicals who would turn to violence either in the UK or abroad. 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Their own people are calling them terrorists,the Saudi government are calling the kettle black,but as usual when it comes to muslims,our politicians turning their heads the other way is the norm.If they dont know by now about the MB something is pathetically wrong.Look and take a good look at the schools in Birmingham,or are our leaders going to concentrate more on whats going on in other countries. Report Abuse JenTile9 12:28 PM on 2/4/2014 johnfg - nowhere did I write that Sam Kiley condoned or agreed with the MB;s oppression of women and killing of Christians! I wrote that he deliberately ignored it in his numerous articles, which is true and, him being a western journalist, even worse! our MSM is to blame exactly as are our clueless politicians for the situation were in. And no, I do not believe they are a lll slow learners, I believe they are truly that stupid, because they do not learn, they keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Or have you forgotten the activist rebels of Syria, and how theyre were being cheered on by the same people who cheered on the MB? I wish he was a slow learner, at least thatd mean that hell learn eventually... Report Abuse Patricia Humphrey 11:22 AM on 2/4/2014 Unfortunately on Egypt appear to understand the threat of these people and are taking appropriate action. An awful lot of drastic action is required by the West to rid us of this scourge. Report Abuse schwabing 8:13 AM on 2/4/2014 An article in the tradition of Dominic Waghorn. The MB has no separate ideology, they only believe in terror to take over the whole world. Whoever writes, believes or claims otherwise is either paid by the MB or a member of the MB or completely clueless!!! Report Abuse johnfn 9:21 PM on 1/4/2014 JenTile9 I agree with your assessment of Sam Kiley up to a point. Maybe hes a learner, or something, he should spend some time with Tim Marshall and hone his skill, but to say, or imply he condones or agrees with the killing of Christians, marital rape etc, goes too far. Welcome back Tim. What worries me about Tims article is the word proselytising. In Ireland for example, since the introduction of the peace process, it was concluded by the thinkers that it was worth, for the sake of peace, to wait for nature to take its course, as the perceived higher birth rate of Catholics would eventually bring about a truly united Ireland by superior numbers. Proselytising however, works apparently by converting the people to whatever religion is practicing it. When I walk the streets of Bolton, and other northern towns, I see loads of young girls in Islamic dress, girls who are obviously British, born and bred. Now, common sense tells me, that these young women have not found Allah, but instead some Asian or African hulk that they fancied and became a muslim for. So, with birth rates, and so-called conversions, added to, Our Governments introduction of sharia law, written into our constitution just last week. The permitting of Jihadist teachings in a Birmingham school over the last five years. The attempt by muslims to oust head teachers and replace them with radical muslim heads!!!! The prophecy of Sheik Qaradawi seems more and more likely. Fortunately, other EU countries have woken up and smelled the coffee, and are introducing measures to control this. I just hope that we can follow suit before its too late. Report Abuse pappypete 7:27 PM on 1/4/2014 Keeping up with the Brotherhood should not be too problematic. After all they exist because we Brits saved em when the Egyptians first decided to get rid (by execution!) We offloaded them to the Saudis, where they set up their Islamic University in Rhiyadh. When they became too much of a nuisance, the Uni was shunted off to Hail; 100 miles from nowhere and there they are today. The Egyptian arm of the Brotherhood is run from Hail........... Some years ago, a purported Jordanian colleague (working in Germany) found out that Id done some work on the Hajj Control Communications and must have thought I was ripe for conversion. He let slip that his fave Urlaub was in Hail. Hed fly out to Amman and then on to Hail. That way few questions would be asked by interested Europeans........... If I was setting up tracers, Id start with the Hail University records! Report Abuse Watchman12 5:45 PM on 1/4/2014 To Jentile9. I agree with you. A reporter is quite entitled to his/her own opinion, but not to his/her own facts. Some reporters just frame an article within their own chosen narrative, which is presented as a vehicle to present their own viewpoints, and therefore do not conform to media objectivity, but instead resemble journalistic activism. This was a fairly accurate article until it tried to attach some moral equivalence between fundamental Islam and Christianity. With the greatest respect there is a vast difference between evangelical Christianity, which has a peaceful platform, and the totalitarian Islamic radicals who daily, and often with complete impunity, call for global imposition of sharia law. Report Abuse JenTile9 3:38 PM on 1/4/2014 It amazes me how SKY has two reporters, Tim Marshall and Sam Kiley, who report about the same issues, in completely different ways. Sam Kiley was praising the Muslim Brotherhood, cheering them on, calling them moderates and applauding Morsi. He ignored the killing of Christians, the complete destruction of the Sinai, the immediate violently physical oppression of women (the MB passed a law allowing marital rape and legal marriage for girls starting at 10 years old!!!), the killing of political opponents and the vocal and loud proclamations about starting another war in the region: with Israel of course. On the other hand, Tim Marshall always writes the truth. Thank you Tim.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 17:43:22 +0000

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