Why USA Admission Required Tests Cost of - TopicsExpress


Why USA Admission Required Tests Cost of Education Accreditation Applying for a visa Apply Yourself! Work after studies 1) Am I applying to the right program? – This is a question every student should ask himself, before he sends his application to colleges abroad. Am I applying to the right program? As universities abroad have several programs. There will be multiple specialties, concentrations and majors to choose from. For example, under the broad field of ‘Computer Science’, one could choose ‘Artificial Intelligence’ or ‘Robotics’ etc. So is the case with several engineering specialties. If one is looking for an MBA program, choosing the right specialization with a program is the first step in right direction. 2) Am I applying to the right university? – Looking for the right university abroad is more like searching for a needle in the haystack. There are many Universities, which offer a variety of courses. Each university in US and other countries has its own program, course, and curriculum because of adaptability in the education system. Same program at different Universities can differ greatly with reference curriculum, course material, etc. Hence, it is crucial to choose the right college before one decides to study abroad. 3) Am I applying at the right time? – Unlike in India, universities abroad provide admission each semester – roughly once in every four and half months and mostly twice a year. Their deadlines vary from one to another, and from one program to another, within the same university! Because of international applicants, deadlines are carefully determined. The ‘paper work’ involved with admission, SEVIS procedures and several other aspects take much longer than for a domestic applicant. While local students may apply as late as 60 days to one week before the start of a semester, all international students have to apply one year to 90 days before the start of semester. And if one is looking for financial aid, applications have to be filed much earlier. 4) Do I have the required time and money? – Application process normally takes anywhere between six months to one year for Bachelors and Masters level and more than one year for Doctoral level. During this period, a lot of ground work has to be done in order to meet requirements, deadlines and processes. Casual approach without regard to time frame will affect the whole process negatively. Likewise, applying to universities cost a bundle. If you plan to apply for 3-4 universities alone, the costs may be approximately Rs 30,000 - 40,000 including application fee, courier and documentation costs. Even this financial aspect need to be considered carefully before initiating the process. 5) Finally, Is this the right direction? – Why do you want to study abroad in the first place? What would you like to do later? What are your career goals? How would you like to reach those goals? These and several other factors like budget, correct choice of country etc., play a crucial role in determining your reasons for taking this first step. Unless you are sure about your first step, you cannot be certain of the unfaltering approach till the last step. Think carefully and objectively. Consult your parents, mentors and people who are in the know of things and then make a firm decision. IAEC Consultants will be with you all the way, guiding you at every step, determining your priorities and providing you with the right direction. Career counseling is the core activity and focus for us, to help the students in all respects. Now that you have considered and determined your priorities, what is the next step? FIRST STEP INTERNATIONAL
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 15:46:50 +0000

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