Why Vacations Matter Posted: 17 Jan 2014 05:21 PM PST By - TopicsExpress


Why Vacations Matter Posted: 17 Jan 2014 05:21 PM PST By Sarah Phillips. Moms are pretty good at giving advice (yes, Dads are too) and one piece of advice my Mom gave me really stuck with me: Vacations matter; Vacation is really important in life and so are the precious memories that come with it. As I’ve grown up and started taking vacations of my own, I realized that every piece of that advice is true. As I’m writing this right now, I’m so enjoying remembering some of my favorite vacation experiences: I spent my Dad’s 52nd birthday climbing Mayan ruins in Belize and then celebrating with the best steak at sea. He still claims this as his best birthday ever. I got to my hold my 14-month old niece as she rode It’s a Small World for the very first time. She may not remember it, but I’ll never forget the look of sheer wonder on her face as she took it all in. I couldn’t stop giggling as my best friend made the funniest face when she realized my green colored Croatian gelato was in fact Green Apple – and not pistachio. I still laugh about this 3 years later. I made my sister stand on her chair wearing Mickey Mouse ears while the entire restaurant sang to her on her birthday. Yes, she still talks to me – and loves me. I got to explore Italy, Croatia and Spain on a maiden cruise voyage with my Mom , visiting places we’d read about together during my childhood. I still can’t believe I got to explore these places with her. These are just some highlights, I don’t know that I could even describe the hours of conversations, laughter and even tears that have ensued over the years. Every vacation is different and special in its own way. Time stops for no one: children grow up, people come and go in our lives, we change and move. But you’ll always have those memories of vacations taken together. Time can’t take those memories from you. What are some of your unforgettable vacation memories? What’s your favorite place to sail or go with your family and friends? We’d love to hear from you!
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 20:13:41 +0000

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