Why Were You Born? Have you ever wondered why was I born or is - TopicsExpress


Why Were You Born? Have you ever wondered why was I born or is there any reason for my existence? Are we cosmic accidents, a speck of meaningless nothing in a vast universe? Is anybody or anything greater than us now engaged, knowledgeable of, or even remotely interested in our life? In our most reflective moments we may dare venture into these thoughts. Are we simply the result of mindless statistical chance? Do we live and die and then become forever extinct? Or is there a magnificent, incredible, awe-inspiring purpose? As a teenager about thirthy years ago I pondered these questions deeply. Our family was actively connected with religion, but, I felt a distance from God. There was uncertainty and fear about what followed this life. It bothered me. How could I KNOW? An answer did come to me….and answer that still directs my life to this day many years later! What about you? The authoritative Word of God declares that God is the Creator of the heavens and earth. He is the giver of life. Remarkably, He created Man in His own image! It is too easy to gloss over the profound implications of this critical statement in the very beginning of the Bible: Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness (Genesis 1:26). According to the Bible, from the very beginning men and women were to have God-like attributes and skills. But, thats only the start! As one studies the Bible, we find that each and every person was created to have a direct relationship with God. It is not a passive or unattractive state of existence, but an exciting life to really look forward to each and every day! Further, we learn in the first chapter of Genesis that we are given responsibility to manage Gods creation, being given authority and power over the physical things of this earth (Genesis 1:26-29). That responsibility forms the basis for an eternal relationship in the coming Kingdom of God, which was the focal point of Jesus Christs earthly ministry. The Bible reveals that Jesus Himself will be over this Kingdom. Isaiah prophesied: For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder…Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end (Isaiah 9:6-7). The meaning of life for you and me is so exciting and compelling that I plan to write more about it. This is only a small beginning. Understanding your purpose in life and committing to it brings the presence of real power from God. This power, delivered through the Holy Spirit, enables us to transform life-sapping meaninglessness into power-filled meaning and purpose! Amen!! Brother Varney :)
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 21:36:52 +0000

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