Why Works versus Grace doesnt work: Doing good works in hopes - TopicsExpress


Why Works versus Grace doesnt work: Doing good works in hopes that it makes up for the bad in order to get into Heaven, your motivation is fear. Fear that you dont want to end up in hell which is a possibility if not a sure thing if you do more bad works (sin) than good. Heres why that doesnt work. Fear is the worse motivator, for it is not a motivator but an oppressor. Through Gods Grace we receive an invitation into His Kingdom, as sinners this is not an invitation that can be bought with good works. God is so Holy that once we sin we remove ourselves from God entirely. He is so Holy thats all the angels around Him can utter in His presence Holy, Holy, Holy..., He is so Holy that all sin is equal in His eyes (lie = sin. murder = sin. rape = sin. theft = sin.) He hates sin, so much that even if you have 1% sinfulness it is not good enough to earn a way into Heaven. It 100% sinlessness or nothing, so a scale system cannot work. HOW DO WE GET INTO HEAVEN THEN!? Well, God loves us, God loves us more than anything. Its pretty amazing :))) (He loves us more than His majesty, His angels, EVERYTHING!) Mind-blowing huh? That the same God who thinks something into existence love us!? Even though we sin against him daily!?Intentionally or unintentionally we still do it, and guess what? HE STILL LOVES US, ALL OF US! Not just people who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior but he loves the Jews, the Muslims, the Atheists, the Buddhists, the Hindus, the... EVERYBODY! (Underscore! Underscore! Underscore! Ha-ha!) All are His creation and God loves His creation unfathomably! So is it any wonder He would take on human flesh to understand our daily struggle with sin, teach us how to deal with it, live a sinless life, die on the cross, and rise from the dead three days later? Yes. Yes, because that kind of love is incomprehensible! Who could love like that! Well, God can. But why!? Hes above us, perfect in everyway, we are beneath Him! Why would He, God, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, Creator of Every Single UNIVERSE that we know of and dont know of, came down on the planet (this humble speck of dirt) wore the flesh and die the most painful and humiliating death for the time? But the answer is as simple as it is mind-blowing/game-changing! ANSWER: Because he love us THAT much! This is why Grace (Jesus dying for the debt of our sins) is a better than Works. One, because you cannot cover up sin with good deeds! Its good you did good, but sin is an irremovable stain that has no place in Heaven (Kingdom of Absolute Holiness from all major scriptures.) So it doesnt work like that, it is not enough to mostly be a good person majority of the time. God knew this, and gave us the priceless mercy of His Grace. Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior in the only way to heaven, its a all paid for all expenses included access into Gods Kingdom! 100% guaranteed! Theres risk involved, absolutely. 34 Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Mark 8:34 That means that to follow Jesus (Who is God in human flesh), you might lose your family, friends, status in your community, and sometimes your life. To not follow Jesus for these reasons means you put every earthly thing before God. Jesus knew to follow Him, all would suffer in some form. Well what compels me to do good if I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior? If the ticket to heaven is paid for, then why be good? Love. The answer is love! Someone lays down their life so that you may live, and in this case eternally, would you not be grateful? Would you not love that person? Would you not what to know how to love like Him? Be like Him? Speak like Him? Live like Him? What compels a true Christian is Love! Not fear or uncertainty, these are what the Devil wants you to feel. he wants you to fear and stay in your fear, fear is an immobilizer. he wants you to be uncertain of your path, because then it is easier to lead you astray. The question is then? What compels you? Love or Fear? God bless all, peace be upon you, may you find the truth. Prayers be with you! Jesus Christ forever!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 19:54:36 +0000

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