Why You Should Ignore Some Politicians Leaders ?This article is - TopicsExpress


Why You Should Ignore Some Politicians Leaders ?This article is going to suggest that participating in politics at any level is generally not a good idea. Many, maybe even most of you are going to disagree with this. I also know that people will tend to take it as a categorical statement and offer counter-examples. You will notice that I said “generally” because I don’t mean it in a categorical way. I can think of scenarios or places where I would not apply my general advice, but those are increasingly rare. Dear Baluch Nation My Brothers and sisters. I think this is the time for all of us to Ignore all Baluch Leaders Who Talk about Freedom of Baluchistan and Talk about Freedom of baluch nation of slavery. Might you ask why we have to Ignore them ?? Might you ask Sister Kohdel become crazy? Or a lot of other Might will come to your head i will write my points if i am wrong please leave you Comment and make me Understand If i am right so please write your experience. 1. Why i want to ignore them Because, i am a Ordinary Baluch I dont want any body Use my Name for their Own benefits. 2. I ignore them Because My Ordinary Baluch Sons Fathers and Brothers disappear suddenly and completely vanish,torture and Martyrs because of their beliefs For freedom Of Motherland Occupied Baluchistan, Some Leader Use Their Names to Have a Good Life In Europe. 3. I Ignore them because They are not United with them self.How can they Unite A Nation ?? How can they talk about a Nation that they dont even want to listen to them or give ones attention? Nation Means Nation Not A Tribe,a particular groups or best Friendships. 4. I Ignore them because they are (Tribe Parast Not Baluch Parast) I ignor them Because they Use Ordinary Baluch to get what they want this is a fact. I Ignore them Because they are not Honest with them self How can they be Honest with a Nation?? They are not Knowledgeable to acknowledge a nation,they are uneducated leaders How can Educate A nation ? I give you a example i watched a video of Waja Khan Kalat in a interview in youtube he say when i was in pakistan Baluch Disappearing people was 800 he say since i come to United kingdom of Cardiff UK Baluch Disappearing become 18000 from WOW all die for waja Khan kalat ?????? Think little is that True ??. why i say we have to ignore them Because if we Nation Ignore them they will think and they have to United in the name of Baluch Nation Not in the name of Tribes.Then We will Fallowed them In Our Eyes .We was patience for long time to accept, tolerate delay, problems, we was suffering without become annoyed or anxious nobody even Care they just continuously did what they wanted So from now one i think We have to valued our energy ,our time, our feeling and dignity for our self and put our Mind to find a way to help only Our Sarmachars Who are real Leaders. Here is the basic question you need to ask yourself. Is it worth your time, effort, money, and mental well-being to keep up with or participate in political issues? For me, the answer is unquestioned no. I’ve been there and done that and since I actually cared so much about the issues, it was a never-ending source of disappointment and frustration. All the time I spent reading, listening, following, debating, wishing, hoping, and Respecting resulted in exactly ZERO difference. I suggest that any time you spend in politics can actually be spent better elsewhere helping either yourself or your Mind to the better Solution to put in actions The reasons I’ve mostly chosen to withdraw from politics in all its forms are the following: I personally can’t make a difference Even when I real wanted to nothing fundamental ever changed. Since I actually cared about the issues, it was a source of endless stress and frustration for me. It made me ill. I decide I no longer want to lend “participation support” to the flawed process.I was wasting my life with some Egoist and 2 Faces People Who think they are Knowledgeable, You will get a tremendous amount of advice this days about not fighting reality, accepting the things you can’t change, etc., but almost nobody applies that to politics and there is hardly anything that it is more appropriately applied to. I think the reason is because we’ve been socialized into believing it is some kind of duty of a good for Our Struggle to be politically aware and active to fallow It is also because people will think scenarios where you can make a difference like a really Its True what if everyone thought that way Well everyone doesn’t and even if they did I would no more be able to change their minds about that than I am about the issues themselves All this is just socialization and there is no real basis for it. In fact the politicians want you to participate in the long run even if you don’t support them. It gives legitimacy to the process I suggest you spend your time gaining freedom, peace, well-being, or whatever else outside the arena of Uneducated B politics Leaders .activities must be the single most important area of all of our lives. But it is simply a myth. It’s just baloney that we’ve allowed ourselves to be caught up in if we stop arguing with reality, stop trying to control that which you can’t control, and find freedom by taking actions you do control that nobody use u anymore.I look at the political environment like the sun. It’s a basic fact of reality. It comes up and it goes down. I love the sunlight, but I can’t do a damn thing about the fact that every night it drops below the horizon and disappears. What I can do is turn the lights on. That’s something in my direct control and I don’t lose one second of my life worrying about or trying to change the fact the sun goes down or the fact that I prefer natural sunlight to artificial lighting. I try to take the same attitude towards politics at the Moment.In fact I’m just the opposite, but I’ve made a conscious, intentional, and intellectual decision that B politics Leaders sucks and is a waste of my life to Participate and Fallow Who are not better then me and you. choice is yours if you let Ego Use you or not.Find your self and your Nation Who are real and care about you And you will know who is caring and who just using you When you find you self you know how to treat you self in a freedom of Mind you will Love Everyone in same way you love your self. If it’s raining, put up an umbrella or go inside. If it’s cold, put on a coat. If it’s warm, take off your coat. If it’s dark, turn on a light with out any questions or permissions from NAWAB AND SARDAR Baluchistan belong to All Baluch Nation and all baluch nation have right to decide what they want.If Good Hearted people dont fight for goodness then bad hearted people will take over. UR Sister Kohdel.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 17:28:00 +0000

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