Why Your Time Must Come In 2015 Your 4th Toolkit for - TopicsExpress


Why Your Time Must Come In 2015 Your 4th Toolkit for 2015. Please take your time to read this. It will change your life forever but before you do, like and share because your friends also need this. The problem with most of us is that we value what we have based on what we see now due to our circumstances when really it should be based on what we see in the future due to the opportunities that lay ahead. Your 2015 opportunities. ___________________________________________________ READ THIS WITH PATIENCE AS YOUR LIFE IS ABOUT TO CHANGE ___________________________________________________ I remember an old tale in Nigeria of a man who inherited over 1,000 acres of land from his father. The land had been in his family for over 5 generations and he was seriously warned never to sell the land. If you cant cultivate the land my son, let it be. This land is our inheritance. The gods have proclaimed it so. One day someone will know how to cultivate it but never ever sell it. - Those where the last words of his dying father. You see the mans family was considered cursed by the locals and they saw the inherited land as evidence of this because the land refused to produce crops. The Locals claimed to have seen black thick liquid sipping out of the ground and this was a sign of the black curse upon the land. From time to time the Gods will scotch the land causing waves of fire and killing every crop the family ever tried to grow on the land. Who could blame the man? Everyone else felt his family was cursed for even keeping a cursed land. He was flat broke and needed money to feed his family. As far as he was concerned, he was better off selling the land. Now here was the dilemma: Non of the locals wanted it. He had a small business which sold wood from the land however it did not make him a wealthy man. God so loving, a group of petroleum field engineers from Europe where on an expedition researching and searching for oil in Nigeria. They had questioned the locals and indigenous people living around the areas they suspected there might be oil and asked a number of fact finding questions. All the answers given pointed to the cursed mans land. On arriving at the mans house, they asked to see the land and he literally pointed to over 1,000 acres of land. The foreigners could see a land that had no human in-habitats with certain pockets areas on fire oozing out of the earth. Why do you have a number of small pocket areas on fire, are you clearing it up to farm? The Researchers asked. NO! This land is barren and cursed. Its good for nothing. The fire is from the Gods warning us never to plant in the land. You can have it for your research if you want. You will not grow anything on it. This I promise you The man exclaimed. Ignorance will not be your portion in 2015. Remember to add amen in the comment box below. The Researchers offered to explore the land and the man granted them access. 3 days later they approached him with an offer to buy not just the land but his entire house. They asked him how much he was willing to sell it for. The man, shocked and overwhelmed with what he was hearing, replied: Praise the gods! The gods has answered our prayers. What the locals refused to buy the foreigners have offered to buy. How much can you afford? He asked. The Researchers then followed his question with another question: How much do you think its worth? The long-frustrated man answered without hesitating: For years I have been trying to sell it to the locals and they will not buy. I am not a wicked man. Nothing grows on this land and nothing ever will but if you say you want it, you can have it at the value of a barren land (in those days approximately £200) but for my house, I want the price of 5 houses so I can buy another farm and start afresh. May you never sell your birth right cheap due to ignorance in 2015. Dont forget add amen in the comment below. The Researchers responded quickly: Sir we have a deal. We agree with you that the land is barren for you but we need it for research. We will give you the barren price for the land but for your house, we will not just give you 5 times the amount of other house but 10 times the amount on the condition that you sign a contract that from today hence forth you, the community and your generations to come have no right to this land and never will. Oh one more thing, your family will be available to work the land at the local rate May you never sell your vision and dreams at a barren price in 2015 just because you are going through hardship. Dont forget to comment amen. Exhilarated and full of joy, the man exclaimed: Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! You can have the land. In fact I dash you (give it to you for free) just give me 10 times the price of a normal house and I will sign what ever you want. In fact you can even hire my family to keep an eye on it for you so no one will ever have any issues with you. Local rate is fine I repeat. You will not use your own hands to sell cheap at a barren price what God has placed in your hands to be a blessing to you in 2015. Comment amen. The deal was signed and the deeds of the land handed over to the foreign researchers. And so it came to past that many years later, The so called barren land became an oil field worth billions of dollars that made companies and corrupt government officials extremely wealthy. Today, the mans children talk about how the oil field was their inheritance however their father was deceived into selling it to the foreigners. They tell the tale each morning to the expatriates who reside in their fathers old house as they do the odd jobs here and there to feed their own family. Your children will never tell sad stories of what you could have been. You will not be deceived in 2015. The moral of this story is quite short and simple: Never ever ever value your dreams, ideas, assets, business, skills or talents based on your current circumstances, lack of knowledge or desperation. Value what you have today based on what you see in the future and not what you see now. In 2015 your time will come and everything you do will reap multiple profits. You will take dominion over every area of your life. Dont sell yourself short. Never put the keys to your happiness in someone elses pocket.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 23:17:45 +0000

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