Why a Man’s Venus Sign Doesn’t Always Describe the Woman He - TopicsExpress


Why a Man’s Venus Sign Doesn’t Always Describe the Woman He Wants? If you know a man’s Venus sign, you’ve got the inside scoop on the woman he wants (provided he’s attracted to women). Venus in Virgo means he’ll be attracted to unassuming women. A Venus in Aquarius man wants an quirky outsider. Right? Not so fast. Venus is only one piece of the puzzle. Ideally, you need to look at his entire chart. But if you had to narrow it down, a somewhat complete picture can be gleaned from the combination of his Venus sign and 7th House. Sometimes, these two contradict each other. If this is the case, the qualities of his Venus sign alone are an inaccurate description of what he’s looking for in a woman. Venus in Virgo, 7th House Cusp in Aries Venus in anyone’s chart indicates how they relate to themselves, and how they relate to others. Venus in a man’s chart also describes the female energy he is attracted to. But the 7th House (especially the sign on its cusp) describes the qualities he is looking for in a partner. For example, Dev has Venus in Virgo, the sign of service and perfection. You might think he wants a woman who is quiet and helpful. But all his girlfriends have been competitive bodybuilders. He also seems to enjoy it when they boss him around. Looking at Dev’s 7th House cusp, we see that it’s in Aries. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of male energy, action and initiative. Dev is drawn to partners who embody that aggressive energy. If you’re wondering where Virgo fits in, know that Dev is only attracted to women who are ambitious (Mars) about their health and self-improvement (Virgo). Dev would not be into a partner who only embodied Mars’ energy. For example, if she were highly motivated (but not concerned about being the healthiest she could possibly be) he might be initially drawn to her fire. But his attraction would quickly wane when he realized that she was impatient with details, and not interested in improving herself. Remembering that Venus also describes how a person relates to themselves, Dev desires (Venus) to refine himself into a state that’s close to perfection (let’s say he’s also a bodybuilder). He’s attracted to a woman who reflects his desires. But a woman who only embodied that Virgo energy (not interested in putting herself first) wouldn’t be the right fit for him, as a partner . He wants a relationship with a lady who expresses some of that male energy he has not completely owned. The 7th House is about Dev’s projected qualities. However, even if Dev evolves into a guy who’s expressing every inch of his chart in beautiful integration, he’ll still be drawn to partners who embody that Mars energy. 7th House qualities describe what Dev admires. Venus in Aquarius, 7th House Cusp in Capricorn House placement of Venus and the 7th House ruler add an additional layer of interpretation. Mick’s Venus is in Aquarius, the sign of shock, liberation and the collective. He’s attracted to the fringe, and relates to himself as someone who stands apart from the crowd. In order to do this, he first needs to be aware of who’s in the crowd, so he is open and curious about everyone. But he’s only attracted to a woman who stands out. If his Venus is in his 9th House of ideals, philosophy and exploration, she also has to introduce him to new experiences. She must love (Venus) challenging others’ preconceptions, just as he does. Mick’s 7th House cusp is in Capricorn, with ruler Saturn in his 10th House of career and future goals. He’s drawn to partners who have authority and provide structure, in a way that boosts his status and their status (10th House). Maybe he hasn’t fully realized his career goals, so he’s drawn to a woman who is carving her path towards the future (in a way he’s been unable to). Or maybe he’s got a grip on his career, but still wants an ambitious partner he can respect. He admires Saturn maturity, and would have no interest in partnering up with an aimless, angry rebel. However, she can’t be a conformist; she still has to forge her own path (Aquarius). He wants a partner who is respected (Saturn) for how she stands out (Aquarius). Planets in the 7th House, and the aspects Venus and Saturn make to Mick’s other planets, add yet another layer. If Mick’s Pluto (power and transformation) is in his 7th House (in Capricorn), he’s probably drawn to partners who are passionate and controlling. They confront him with his power issues (since it’s his Pluto) through their intensity. He will never be content with a partner who skims the surface. Now, let’s say his Venus in Aquarius (still in his 9th House) is conjunct Jupiter (optimism and expansion). This amplifies the way he relates to others; he reaches out with big intentions to almost anyone (especially if they are new and intriguing). Jupiter’s expansive energy will emphasize Aquarius’ independence (and idealism). He’s attracted to women who are outgoing, adventurous, and who match his elevated sociability. Maybe he has a ton of female friends whom he enjoys hanging out with, but the one he partners up with is a passionately driven career woman (Pluto in Capricorn). She funnels her idealism (Venus/Jupiter in 9th House Aquarius) into organizing and running a charity. If Mercury (information and communication) conjuncts his 10th House Saturn, this lady expresses her ideals (9th House) with authority (Saturn) through her words (Mercury). The sign that the 7th House ruler is in will add even more to the picture, but I omitted these examples to avoid confusion. As you can see, the love interest implied in a man’s chart is about so much more than his Venus sign. While a man’s natal Venus may describe the basic female energy he’s attracted to, you have to blend in the qualities of his 7th House ruler. By analyzing what he’s attracted to (Venus) and what he admires (7th House), you can form a more rounded picture of the type of woman he’ll want to spend serious time with. Copy rights: sasstrology
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 20:48:57 +0000

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