Why am i still chasing the testimonial dragon? Why has the last 5 - TopicsExpress


Why am i still chasing the testimonial dragon? Why has the last 5 years of my life not been progressed in documentary work, yet i keep believing there is a purpose 4 me 2 keep pushing this need? I dont have beef or crybaby complaints with the work that is finally hitting the mainstream media, because i believe this exposure will one day come back as a benefit 4 all of us. But i do keep a realistic and open mind about the way some of these stories are being cut and the perspective producers of these mainstreams wanna create through these testimonials. Point is, if someone i respect has just been put off by the way CNN edits their part in Dr. Gs WEED series, im not gonna say suck it up and be happy u were on the show. Oh no sir, cause i know that this person knows better than anyone if their story has had justice done 2 it or not! I appreciate the exposure that mainstream media has brought 2 the truth about cannabis, but when it comes 2 the truth of what many of good people live thru everyday, the mainstream is still breaking people down into sound bites! Even if not being seen by millions of viewer, having testimonials available online help in any aspect of the movement, not 2 mention the need 2 be able 2 reference professionally shot footage by teachers, speakers, lawyers, law makers, etc. This is why i cant shake the understanding that this has been my purpose 4 a long time, and diverting from this has only hurt me over these years. Anybody who knows me, knows im only happy when im working the plan, no matter the level im working it from. CannabisVillage.tv, Rollah Girls, and now The Live Free Or Die Project, these all have the same underlying heartbeat and that heartbeat comes from actual people, i only have an understanding of team. The solo ego, the world should focus on me shit, is 4 the birds! The PEOPLES VOICE is NECESSARY! The PEOPLES TRUTH is REQUIRED! THE REVOLUTION IS LOVE, AND LOVE IS THE PEOPLES POWER!!! The DAMN DRAGON!!!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:44:11 +0000

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