Why are kids so ungrateful nowadays????? They are really blessed - TopicsExpress


Why are kids so ungrateful nowadays????? They are really blessed and dont even know it... I try to teach them and tell them that its more to life than material things....So I would go into my childhood.... Yes my sister and I had everything that children our ages didnt go-carts dirt bikes nitendoes my sister even had a sky blue pacer that we rode up and down our driveway in with all the small kids in it.... we also had a horse named blackgal... See we were blessed as children too. But i didnt worry about that stuff because ... i would rather go outside and make mudcakes play momma and daddy hide go seek climb trees and most of all listen to my grandparents tell us story of how their life was..... So the moral of this is we spoil our children on material things and we as parents fail to teach them the true values of life.... Its nothing wrong with having video games and etc but they need to know something else other than the buttons on a controller.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 16:08:11 +0000

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