Why are so many of you going Vegan slowly? Why not go Vegan NOW? - TopicsExpress


Why are so many of you going Vegan slowly? Why not go Vegan NOW? Today. What is stopping you? And more importantly what could possibly be more important than knowing you are not responsible for the horrific cruelty of the dairy industry we keep showing you time and time again? I dont get it. You see our posts so we know you are completely aware.....you cant plead ignorance....so why would you want to be a part of that for another second? How can you sleep at night? BILLIONS of innocent non human animals were brutally tortured and murdered TODAY. Cant you sense the urgency here? There is an animal holocaust happening. Going Vegan in your own time doesnt cut it. The animals screaming in agony dying slow horrific deaths in slaughterhouses right NOW dont care if you are going Vegan slowly, that is of no help to them, they just want to live. Why not imagine yourselves in their place? Imagine if you were a 3 week old terrified Veal calf, just a baby, about to be murdered because humans want to steal your mothers milk....how would you feel if right before you were killed someone say Oh we could spare you but so and so wants to go Vegan in her own time you are just not a priority. Now do you understand? You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. So why not go Vegan TODAY and show that you actually give a damn and are not just all talk?
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 01:31:00 +0000

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