Why are the Greens failing internationally? With the - TopicsExpress


Why are the Greens failing internationally? With the exception of the German Greens, is it a lack of vision, passion or the where-with-all to get there? The Greens Party need fire dragons to lead them! :D My response to the UK situation that applies here and elsewhere in the West ... I suspect Ben, it may be the same reason the Greens in the US and here dont do so well, although the US Greens are not too bad under Jill Stein. Truth is, the leadership is often to passive, or inaffective due to the quiet style they embrace, Im not suggesting they should scream at people, but they seem limp and not vocal enough as if ashamed of what they believe, I know theyre not but it seems theyre almost embarrassed to be more demonstrative and energized, if theyre not convinced of their cause, why should the electorate be confident in them and vote accordingly? Certainty, passion, drive, and guts, people in the electorate want this from their leaders and potential rulers. Often I get the excuse that they arent corporate funded, but thats a furfy as small groups world over, like the Occupy movement of the 99% groups and others, including a small 40 member group in the 1980s I was part of in Melbouren called PENI (People for Equality not Institutionalization, mostly with no funding except from friends, family and a handful of others managed to establish some ground-breaking change that led to the overhall of disability service provision and government policy, 12 to 20 pro-active members, including me who helped change Australias poor reputation re people with Disabilities, we got plenty of media by using our savvy and instincts for campaigns that were most effective, and worked with other groups to make things happen. Tho the Greens have a mediocre leadership, and poor publicity style has nothing to do with money, as often funding by vested interests can kill policy and corrupt those involved. Conflict of interest and bribery is a cancer a party or any organization can do well without, especially with corporations and thinktanks etc, with their own dirty agenda, so if we could do as much with so little, what wrong with the Greens movement in the free world? its also having the right people, the karisma, the courage, determination and drive to get out there and make it happen not sit there releasing limp statements and making the occasional noise so the House of Commons and Lords, corporate media & others look and sigh, *Oh them!* they chant Then shrug and get on with their destruction of the environment and human rights etc. I do think the Germans did something right, having the worlds only Green government - correct me if I am wrong Ben, but maybe the Green movement can build on how the German Greens did it, and go one better? The tragedy is, people are being recruited to terrorism with less than a years sallary, so what gives with that? dark passion? Where is the passion of Emerald Light from the Greens? *as soon as you point out flaws you get this rhetorical defensive assault from their supporters hammering people for pointing out the obvious instead of acknowledging the problem fessing up and getting off their asses, it wont change doing this whining and sicofantic apology rant thing they often do here* Thats the burning question, the fire in the belly must be their priority, and if the fires not there, sorry, no BBQ! :D
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 05:21:40 +0000

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