Why are we putting up with this BULL? Who in their right mind - TopicsExpress


Why are we putting up with this BULL? Who in their right mind would think it a good idea to give Randy Richardville and Jace Bolger exclusive power to pick 5 of their friends to be delegates to amend the US Constitution? And then we give Gretchen Whitmer and Tim Grimel exclusive power to pick two of their friends too? SERIOUSLY?! Im going to call like I see it. All 62 of you in the state House who voted for this have made a completely idiotic move. At a minimum there should be a full vote of the legislature to approve each individual name. Who do you think you are to just hand this off to a couple of people to decide for themselves? This Article V convention of the states is historic, it hasnt been done since the days of our founder, and you guys have decided to make this all about butt kissing the establishment rather than finding a way of getting true statesmen nominated as delegates. Why not issue a referendum to invoke a process similar to the one defined in our state constitution for its own conventions? Let the people have a chance to hold a special election to pick delegates to a state convention & there have those delegates in turn select delegates to the convention of the states?
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 14:02:47 +0000

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