Why are we still here?... Its time to Pa se da Looking at the - TopicsExpress


Why are we still here?... Its time to Pa se da Looking at the past and present time, I saw how pitiable the state of Nigeria is. However, on the brighter side, the optimistic man in me strongly re-assures me of the possibility of achieving a better Nigeria. Thousands of scholars, socialist, political analyst to mention a few have dissected the challenges facing Nigeria; most with feasible solutions. A lot of us might wonder if this so called solutions are working at all, but I put it to you, that the quality of people trusted with the major responsibility of advancing this solution are totally out of place, and in fact socially, morally, politically and intellectually deficient; whereas several idealistic, ingenious, experienced and capable minds are yet to be given room for service to their fatherland not to talk of a platform for an effective change Nigerians yearn for. This specifically raise a clarion call to the consciousness of the Nigerian Youth to crucially embark on quality leadership search in all the nooks and crannies of this nation to salvage us from the present quagmire of our nation’s putrid affairs. As a matter of concern and patriotism, over the years I have taken the challenges of Nigeria personal and in the quest for change, I personally discovered and supports that the major challenge faced by Nigeria is that of Leadership- however this is not to say that this is the only challenge, but I strongly believe that the issue of leadership/power is more consuming and it is upon this platform other challenges takes a living. Consequently, I have taking my time to consciously observe this, and also thought of the way out of the present abyss of humanistic regression the Nigeria nation have been sunk into. And so to me the Nigerian youth is a major organ with the capacity to change the destiny of this nation if well organised and conscientized; this buttresses the fact that the youth possesses the vibrancy as well as a driving force to achieve a better Nigeria. Sadly, one major synonymous word to leadership in Nigeria is simply corruption- that word alone has done enormous harm to the country in general; it has become a canker worm that has eaten deep into our economy. Today, there seems to be an impossibility in making a concise description of this situation, as it has taken over our common value system. Governance has been relegated to the affairs of fraudsters who clearly steal the people’s wealth with impunity for themselves, their family and even their unborn children. How outrageous and pitiable! And yet the Nigerian people continue to encourage these unscrupulous entities with awards and accolades for a pot of porridge. It will therefore not be wrong to conclude that until we are determined as a people to reject these indecent individuals that have hijacked the instrumentality of power against the will of the people, we may not move an inch in progress. And to me, it is worrisome and disturbing that a reasonable percent of the Nigeria people understands this logic that has continue to work against our collective destiny of a new and better Nigeria, but we remain unperturbed. If the estimated analysis is right that the youth constitute 70 percent of the entire population, we would then agree that it is indeed a very high number. This means that with such number, we the youths have the overriding capacity to change the fortunes of this nation. So, why are we still stuck in the mud? Why are we still swimming in the murky oceans of corruption, political criminality, ethnicity violence, religious war and economic retrogression? Our roads are still death traps, our hospitals are like incurable disease, we are still neck-deep in tribal wars, our nation is like an egg heading towards the rock, with no attention to fix it without delay, to save us from the impending doom. But why are we here? What has taken us to this pitiable state despite our endowments? Despite all our resources our nation still wallop in poverty, an average Nigeria still lives below the normal standard of living. We can’t still sleep with our two eyes closed. Our past and present government has compromised our collective welfare on the altar of self aggrandizement and personal riches. Our fellow youth has remained a thing of abuse, neglect and has been made to serve as slave in their captors and task masters vineyard. Our political institutions have no distinct ideologies; a thief in party ‘A’ yesterday immediately becomes a ‘progressive’ today after joining party ‘B’, what a shame! Politics without principle, wealth without work, right without responsibilities, fuel hike today, tomorrow workers strike, bad economy and social maladies, executive corruption and judicial compromise, and many other maladies has characterized our present day Nigeria. What a country! Yes I know the problems are enormous, but rather than talking about these multi-dimensional challenges facing us as a nation, it is time we direct our collective efforts to proffering solutions to our problems. The solution does not really need to be as complicated as the problem itself. To build a new and better Nigeria is not something that can be achieved by magic. The solution to our real problem does not need such violent atrocities and damages that are already going on here, for Nigeria’s problems do not lack its own solutions. We must start by the addressing the following: RECOGNIZING GENUINE, QUALIFIED AND COMPETENT LEADERS: Until we as a people resolve to recognize and identify real leaders we may remain languishing in this present terrible state. One major step that must be taken to achieve a better leadership in Nigeria is our ability to recognize sincere and competent leaders. But the questions are: How do most people decide on whom to vote for? Do we consider their looks? How popular they are? Or their tribe? Is it how executive they look in their campaign posters? By their words? By the unfortunate gifts we are given such as money, food items etc? Or by their antecedents? Do we make findings about them; what has been their business before, or is politics shamefully their profession and career? One must be able to recognize a sincere and competent leader. People need to have basic understanding of what they need in the society, that way they can tell if someone is just fibbing or actually out to protect the common interest of the people. We must be able to engage intelligently; ask questions and analyse answers to their questions and not just dance around with anyone promising bridge without knowing how long it takes to build one. It is therefore sacrosanct that Nigerians, particularly the youth should recognize the fact that they should not vote for any politician who tries to buy them with gifts. As youths, we must reject any political party that is of same pedigree or that promotes the return of known and corrupt intending political office holders. This point is based on what Nigeria really lacks and needs. Youths must also frown against being used by the so called politicians in executing dirty jobs. What Nigeria needs now is not just mere politicians but good leaders who have vision of what they intend to do; leader that have an agenda and systematic ways of achieving it. PATRIOTISM: One major canker worm that has eaten deep into the fabric of the Nigeria’s value system is the scale of degeneration in patriotism particularly amongst the self imposed leaders. Any Nigerian who is not patriotic has no business at all in governance. Patriotism is a very strong compelling and persuasive spirit that stimulates purposeful leadership. And so it goes that you can’t give what you don’t have. How many of our past and present leaders have taken our national pledge with all faithfulness in action and practice viz-a-viz? “I pledge to Nigeria my country To be faithful, loyal and honest To serve Nigeria with all my strength...” We must embark on a very serious propagation of the seeds of patriotism. This is priceless; no nation survives without it. It is a potent instrument of positive change. In fact it should be included in our educational curriculum. Patriotism should be preached and practiced in offices, media, in our markets, in our homes. A Nigerian should be able to wake up and say God bless Nigeria and mean it hundred per cent. WE MUST CREATE EMPLOYMENT FOR OUR YOUTH: In October 2009, the House of Representatives came up with a figure saying that out of 140 million Nigerians then, a total of 43 million youths were unemployed. This is sad! Its committee on youth development headed by Hon. Depo Oyedokun made this disclosure while speaking on the stakeholder’s conference on youth development held between October 26 and 28, 2009 in Abuja. According to Statistician General of the Federation Dr. Yemi Kale in 2012, “Unemployment level among the youths in Nigeria in the first quarter of the year (2012) rose rapidly with the National unemployment level setting at 23%, while rural and urban unemployment level were respectively given as hovering around 25.6% and 17.1% . The level of unemployment among male and female members of the populace is between the ages of 17 and 45 which stands at 23.5% and 24.3% respectively (The Guardian, Oct 20, 2012). With the above scenario, I do ask myself what exactly political leaders are doing to better the lots of Nigerian Youths. Nigeria’s unemployment rate is getting frightening every day and nothing is done to arrest the ugly situation now. This will, sooner than later, produce extremely dire consequences, which part of it had already manifested, for example, the insurgency of Boko Haram, among other consequences caused by the menace of unemployment. I like to state categorically that to confront unemployment, we must engage people who have ideas and will to serve Nigeria, otherwise this will still remain issues unresolved. Quoting latest statistics from National Bureau of Statistics, former Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, said “The nation’s unemployment rate has doubled in the last five years to hit the red-bottom cone.” According to him, “There is a serious problem when a country’s economy is growing at seven per cent and yet that country could not provide job for its citizenry. It is like a broken record; a country that is in the tomato belt and imports tomatoes paste.” But of the truth, our successive leaders have over the years failed in their responsibilities to provide an enabling environment for youth to explore their God-given potentials. It is time to wake up in search of credible and honest leaders who have the interest of the youths at heart in the forthcoming elections in 2015. This is the time we must take our destiny in our hands. VALID REGISTER & CITIZENS IDENTITY: The best and only starting point to solving Nigeria’s crime, population, insecurity problems is for government at all levels to actively recognize Nigeria’s real citizens through a concrete establishment of a valid and effective nation-wide computerized system of citizens registry and identification. For this kind of accountability and orderliness to be right and authentic, it must be done at citizens’ births and deaths. Because of the non-existence of this system, Nigeria today has remained like a nation where neither the government is really there for the people or the people for the government. Let’s know who is a Nigerian, let’s be accountable for our citizens. WE NEED AN “ALL SUFFICIENT” NIGERIA: What a shame, it is in Nigeria that a governor will govern a rich state for 8 years and later travel abroad to treat ordinary headache. We need a radical shift from the status-quo. Our public office holders must be mandated to receive treatment in our own public hospitals. The children of our public officers should attend our public schools and universities. How can you help us when you don’t pass through what we are passing through? THE YOUTHS MUST BE GIVEN A PROMINENT ROLE IN OUR NATION’S BUILDING. The strength of any nation is the sum total of the quality of its youth. But the above assertion is no longer relevant in Nigeria political system. What we have had in recent times is neglect in the hands of our political leading figures, such that the future is no longer guaranteed. In 1985, IBB was the President of Nigeria, and youths were told that they were the leaders of tomorrow. Twenty five years later, the same man said unequivocally in an interview with the BBC Hausa service that the youths are not prepared for the leadership of the country. This is the unfortunate mind set of the “baby boomers” of Nigeria (those presently in their 70’s) and it is what informed the pattern of leadership succession in Nigeria, so much so that a 60 years old man will be fighting for national youth leadership position of a political party. But don’t they have the right to think this way? When the so called youths have been enslaved for long and being made to survive on the crumbs of bread from rich mens table; when the future of the youths has been mortgaged for personal gains; when our minds have been denied the advantages of instructions and enlightenment because of wreckage, neglect and rape of the educational sector for almost three decades; when our value system has been warped by the bad leadership example. Little wonder militancy and insurgency seems to be the order of the day. Listen to me, Nigeria is a nation of youths, where over 70% of the population is below 40 years of age. This calls for a serious awakening of the spirit of responsibilities in youths to take their place in governance and leadership. LET’S SUPPORT THE NATIONAL DIALOGUE: Nigeria is a creation of colonial powers. A national conference devoid of ulterior political motives as envisioned by Jonathan’s government should be sincerely supported. This must be conducted as a matter of urgency to ascertain if truly we want to co-exist as people bond together by destiny. We should ensure that no ethnic group is coerced to be part of this nation. Our country should not be seen as a geographical patched work rather, a united nation with a constitution of its own, written and adopted by all the ethnic groups in the country. We must come to a round table and discuss our continuous existence. WE MUST DRAW A CLEAR DISTINCTION BETWEEN ACTIVISM AND STUPIDITY IN NIGERIA: Recently the level of value degeneration in Nigeria has thrown up terrible characters in the name of politics and youth activism. These are tools in the hands of their sponsors at the detriment of their collective destiny and future. This has become an insult to our collective sensibilities as youths of Nigeria; these hypocrites have continued to embarrass the genuineness of our few compatriots who see activism as an avenue to promote good governance. This is a clarion call; we must stop this rascality, we all must be bold, we must be courageous, we must be resolved to defend our common destiny and that will be done by standing up against impostors parading themselves as leaders. Our nation deserves to be saved. Our dreams of a better and greater Nigeria begins with you. Long live Nigeria
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 11:25:29 +0000

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