Why are your drowning? Why are you drowning A statement - TopicsExpress


Why are your drowning? Why are you drowning A statement echoing through oceans. A world of land and stabilty, But your in your rowboat. Fighting a storm thats only aim, Ia to annhilate you. Drifting further from the shores of reality, Entering a bout of wit and and hope. Failure may be probable, But maybe ill find this hidden isle. Ignoring all the signs that said to give up. I row a little more. Ive been getting pounded by waves. Sprayed and misted by the salts of atlantis. Poseidon has no desire to let me go. If i cant learn on my own, Then maybe the gods can help. Maybe their death of me will be my salvation. A final crash and my last resort has sunk. Flailing in the fridgid beast of non stop motion. A giant mass, one collected being. The leviathan from the deep conspires with the kraken to keep me under. Together they turn me blue. Out to sea Cast out into the sea. A voyage i deemed necessary Has swallowed me whole. I decided to go drowning. I enduldged myself with tge consequences Of lifes torments. A repeated no in my ear But never a defeated hope. I cant complain. My lungs have siphoned salt water. My mind lacks air. Disoriented visions are starting to whirlpool. My head a cluster of maybes. None of them clear. Now ive no recollection. Ashore ive washed up. To be sure, im alive. With no idea of where i am, Cough up a river. Salted and hallucinagenic I think i see. I came back alone to see a new world. For the god who holds the drowned may hold pity. Cpntrary to most mens fears, Dying in earths womb isnt so tragic. For one may be re birthed With the hawks sight in mind. Reborn through salt and rock. Washed away, drowned to death, And the stones had ripped my flesh. Seeping blood just to release the sin. And exit wound for my wrong thoughts. Had the kraken and leviathan pull me Away from the world? Or am i deaf and dreaming of repentance. The path i created, stomped through dry grass, and bare summer trees. Out of the forrest, and past the shoreline. Life and all its bounty passed up For a love a the ever changing chaos. For it has swallowed Me whole. A lifes question best answered by death. The beckoning The wondering The shear disillusion of perfection. I can finaly stop hoping. I can finaly start seeing. I wont start breathing. And i wont hold my breath.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 07:47:42 +0000

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