Why arent Conservatives outraged? ----- When I listened to the - TopicsExpress


Why arent Conservatives outraged? ----- When I listened to the very recent interview of Dick Cheney with Bret Baier on Fox News, I am appalled. He has to be one of the most smug individuals I have seen. (As a side note up front, I give solid credit to Bret Baier for a good interview though he should have asked some other questions in regards to innocent detainees.) I wish I could still agree with Cheney that our enhanced interrogation really did work. You see I remember nodding my head in agreement when the likes of Limbaugh and Hannity would mouth eloquently the virtues of torturing one guy to save thousands. But the reality is that we received so much bad intel from torture it is astounding. As well, Cheney uses a straw man argument in saying that they have to not treat the bad guys lightly who did 9/11. Fair enough but when you realize that very, very few of the bad guys we caught were even connected to al Qaeda at GITMO one has to wonder if all the roughing up of the bad guys would really help. Not even 10% of GITMO detainees were al Qaeda fighters and about 90% of the detainees were SOLD TO US. We havent even gotten into the stories of men who we KNEW, I repeat who we KNEW (past tense), were innocent but still shipped them off to GITMO. Then we have a legal problem because how do we help the innocent guys who are locked up when they are in the grey area of enemy combatant even though they are really innocent. Or what about men like one Taliban cook who didnt want to fight but was forced to prepare meals. Is this individual a bad guy because he worked for his country as a cook? Without getting into more details, one really needs to understand the social context of many of the stories of men wrongfully detained. When you here some of the stories then listen to our former Veep in a round about way defend rectal hydration one has to wonder if the war on terror really is a war to win or a political ploy to keep us in fear. Last but not least, why arent fellow conservatives outraged who are followers of Christ. Knowingly Cheney said that everything had to be signed off by the executive for advanced interrogations. Knowingly Cheney admits to bypassing the Geneva Conventions because of the technicality of enemy combatants even though we are in the WAR on terror. Knowingly Cheney decides to discard the facts that much of the interrogation didnt work, innocent men were detained, and UBL wasnt captured for a whole decade. Something is seriously wrong when the smug interview of Dick Cheney isnt resoundingly debunked with the facts by fellow conservatives. Especially those who are so concerned with Obama and his executive over reach. Conservatives, true conservatives need to rethink their relationship with the Republican party that has been hijacked by the neo-cons like Cheney and we need to thoroughly assess whether we are doing the same things as the bad guys and therefore really no better.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:47:43 +0000

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