Why arent the Saudis helping the Palestinians!? #Gaza #SaudiArabia - TopicsExpress


Why arent the Saudis helping the Palestinians!? #Gaza #SaudiArabia This is something you constantly read and hear during times of Fitan. These statements only come from those who have not grasped the Principles of Ahl al-Sunnah. When something kicks off in Palestine: Why are the Saudis not Helping the Palestinians! When its Iraq: Why are the Saudis not helping in Iraq!? Burma: Why are the Saudis not helping in Burma!? Some even go onto say: The Saudis do nothing! Check this: 1, Saudi in 2009 pledged 1.1 Billion to the Palestinians and as far as the Arab Summit was concerned they had fulfilled that pledge. The Money was spent on Housing, Food, Hospitals, Education, Sponsoring Students, Electricity, Sewage repair and much more! 2, They also spent money on Medicine and flew many victims to the Kingdom to be treated. 3, King Abdullah donated $500 Million to the Iraqi people end of June. 4, Saudi has funded $270 Million towards Roads being built in Jordan. 5, Saudi donated $150 Million towards Somalia. One could go on with the Aid they have given but the above clearly demonstrated that they have given over a BILLION in Aid to all parts of the world. Now one might say that they are In Bed with America: A former American Government official narrates a meeting between King Abdullaah and G.Bush. This was the second time Bush invited him after King Abdullah REFUSED his first invite due to Bush not doing enough to help Palestine. When King Abdullah eventually went to meet G.Bush, the first thing he did was play a video showing Bush the situation in Palestine and said This is what we see everyday, I am not asking for myself or for the Kingdom but for the sake of the Palestinians and told him You seem to care more for the Israelis than the Palestinians. When King Abdullah realised Bush not showing enough concern and was only concerned about his own cause, King Abdullah got up and left. [Summarised from The Kingdom, Robert Lacy] Notice how King Abdullah was only concerned for the Palestinian cause. I am not a Saudi Lover but I appreciate what they do and have done in terms of aiding the Muslims, Aiding the Scholars, Aiding the Orthodox Creed. They have shortcomings and from the Sign of a person of Sunnah is that he makes Duaa for the rulers. Fudail Bin Iyaad said: If I had one supplication that was going to be answered I would make it for the ruler... [Siyar alam al-Nubala] Those who say Saudis dont do anything must have ilm al-Ghaib [Knowledge of the Unseen] My aim is to defend and uphold a fundamental Principle of Ahlal-Sunnah stated by all the major Imaams: NOT TO SPEAK ILL OF OUR RULERS. Some will still think its not enough, well you cant please everyone. May Allah guide us and unite us. Aameen ////fwd message///
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 09:45:57 +0000

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