Why as believers, we should do anything? There really only two - TopicsExpress


Why as believers, we should do anything? There really only two reason why, as believers, we should do anything… God’s glory: 1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. (To glorify God is to spiritually, scripturally, and supernaturally manifest Him in the LORD Jesus Christ’s name, through the Spirit, and according to the absolute authority of the Scriptures, the Bible, by faith.) God’s perfect sovereign will: Matthew 6:9-10 (9) After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven…. (10) … Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. • God’s perfect sovereign will is found through the Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:15-17 • God’s perfect sovereign will is found through the Spirit: John 16:13-14 • God’s perfect sovereign will is found through the spiritual conscience: Acts 23:1 All things we as believer should do, is do it for God’s glorify and because it is God’s perfect sovereign will. Please pray for the H.O.P.E. Ministry: for God’s abundant grace to be upon the local Church plant (Washington County, GA), the men’s issue (sins) of heart ministry (especially for the needed funds to complete the building of the men’s dorm), and the daily devotional posting of the Word of God to be received, read, responded too, and reposted throughout the world. Are you in need of prayer or spiritual, scriptural, and confidential counsel, contact me today… For a one day meeting to introduce the H.O.P.E. Ministry or a conference on Sacrificial Living and Giving of one’s Time, Talents, and Treasures, the Saints Revival, the Salvation of Sinners, the Second Coming of the LORD Jesus Christ, or any other Spiritual and Scriptural subjects contact: EvangelistHaller@Gmail (478) 348-3421. In addition, if you know a man with issues of heart that needs help, hope, and a haven (housing) to experience intense spiritual and scriptural discipleship and watch care for a period of time have them contact us at the H.O.P.E Outreach Ministry. To discontinue receiving the HOPE Postings, email your request at: EvangelistHaller@Gmail
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 16:54:46 +0000

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