Why be bound? Bound - constrained - controlled (restricted), - TopicsExpress


Why be bound? Bound - constrained - controlled (restricted), inhibited, Bondage - repression, oppression, burden I truly believe that nobody really desires to be bound or in bondage, but we find ourselves there, if you live long enough. We make a conscious decision in most cases to stay in the bondage, to stay bound and reside in what holds us down. Why? We become comfortable (at ease, relaxed, happy, calm); it is what is now familiar (recognizable, well-known to us, common, customary, accustomed, habitual, usual, typical) to us. Here is another good one of why we stay bound, because we do not want to hurt anyone. Im telling you right now when you recognize that it is bondage you have to get out. Bondage could be someone that is controlling you, manipulating you, dominating your every move, oppressing you and restraining you from reaching your full potential because of their own lacks or issues in life. They chose to control and manipulate you and because of your loyalty, faithfulness, devotion, dependability and reliability you feel guilty when you have to shift or change step. Then there is the I want to come out of bondage but truly you are enjoying the mess that you are in. You have to desire and want to be free. You can dab in it one minute and want out the next. You are playing with fire and your destiny. Life is too short to be playing with destiny. God has ordained, predestined and created you for such a time as this and you cannot walk in your full calling of what you been chosen to do, if you stay bound and in bondage to whatever is holding you captive. Today I speak LOOSE those CHAINS in the name of Jesus! LOOSE those chains in the name of Jesus. You are FREE! You are FREE! You are FREE! Whatever has been trying to keep you bound no longer has control over you. Whatever has been holding you hostage has been released in the name of Jesus. CHAINS have fallen and been BROKEN right now, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah! Whom the Son sets FREE is FREE indeed. Now walk out your freedom and leave that bondage door CLOSED. AMEN! By: Sister Latoya Bilbo God bless you!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 18:58:16 +0000

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