Why come as a student? – What can New Zealand offer over and - TopicsExpress


Why come as a student? – What can New Zealand offer over and above any other study destination? The answer can be framed like this- why not New Zealand. What is less in New Zealand that other study destinations offer better? If you are the best of student scoring high marks in GRE or GMAT, or having good contacts in overseas destinations like USA or UK, it makes sense to try these countries. But how many students have you seen who are from middle-middle class or lower middle class Indian or other South Asian families who could actually get a visa and travel to study in USA? If you cannot get a single name, that is the answer to your question. Why not UK? Yes, UK is a good destination for study. But it is a destination for study for those who have expendable funds to spare, who have the intention to come back home after a year’s study and find a job in own home country. And those who have a rich or moneyed family who will pay the study fees or repay the bank loans taken for undertaking such a study mission. Else, be the best of students and get a scholarship for the fee. Then surely UK is a viable choice. If not, you got the answer to your question. However, in case your intention and ambition is long term and to study and then to earn, and then to settle overseas, and either come back to your home country after a decade with some funds to lead a better life with less effort, or to settle permanently overseas, does majority of the study destinations offer that choice? If you do some research, you will get the answers. It’s only New Zealand today that offers you abundant scope for further career progression, the opportunity to earn as you learn, and the opportunity to get an Open Work Permit (it is a work permit that allows you to work for any employer any number of hours in New Zealand without much restriction) for 1 year after you finish any tertiary 1 year course in New Zealand. This means even if you are mediocre, and can’t beat the competition in India or even in New Zealand, still you are not discarded. You are given equal opportunity to work and earn money (without any sponsorship from any company) in New Zealand for 1 full year if you do a year’s tertiary course here. This means that New Zealand may be the only country in the world today who offers all tertiary students who come to study a 1 year course, the opportunity to work full time after finishing the course for 1 year or more and to earn money and repay a significant part of the student loan taken for the course if not the full course fee. And if the loan is repaid earlier, or if no loan dagger is hanging over the head, this money from work is entirely at your disposal to spend or to send home multiplied several times depending on the currency rate back home. Try comparing your income with mediocre talent with the income of the best students with whom you studied in school or college a few years back, and you will understand who is expected to lead a monetarily more secured life in future or in old age.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 08:20:36 +0000

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