Why did Jesus die on the cross for you? Jesus was not sent to - TopicsExpress


Why did Jesus die on the cross for you? Jesus was not sent to the world by the Father not to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through him. All who believe in him have eternal life, but he who believes not in him is already condemned. John 3;17. God doesnt wish to condemn anyone to hell, But he is a Holy God and he must punish all law breakers who dont accept his Free Gift of Salvation through his Son. Jesus paid the price for all sin by dying on a cross for the worlds sin. His blood is an atonement for sin. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. God is the creator of man and he is the creator of the heavens and the earth and salvation must come through Gods plan for man. For all who receive Christ become the children of God. And Jesus blood becomes a propitiation for your sin and mine. Propitiation means that the Father accepted Jesus blood. Jesus took his blood that he shed at calvary to heaven and the Father was well satisfied with it and atonement for sins was made for all who call on Jesus for salvation. When a man puts his faith in Christ, his sins are thrown into the sea of forgetfulness by God. Blessed is the man that God will not count his sins against him. Blessed is the man who will wear a white robe of righteousness, that will return with Jesus Christ to the earth at his second coming, to be made a king or priest. For the meek and the humble shall inherit the earth, and the saints of God will rule on the earth for 1,000 years with Christ when he puts the nations on his shoulders. When a man is forgiven of his sin, a marvelous, glorious new personal relationship begins with God and saved man. Jesus blood has taken down, it has removed the dividing wall, between sinful man and a Holy, righteous God. We now can enter the Holy of Holies, through Jesus blood. We are now given authority to do so by God, and it is God who encourages us in scripture to bring our prayers and petitions, freely to him. Jesus blood also cleanses a new believers conscience of all guilt and shame. Why does God do this? God no longer wants you to feel guilty about your old sins. He does it so that you will have a guilt-fee relationship with God that gives you confidence and boldness to come to him in your time of need and continual to fellowship with him. It is Jesus blood that has made us blameless and holy in Gods sight. It is Jesus who has restored sinful man to God. It Is Jesus that will transform your mind so that you know God’s acceptable and perfect will for your life. We receive the mind of Christ! The bible tells us clearly, that you are forgiven by Jesus blood, but you are saved(Eternal Life) through the resurrection life of Jesus. Jesus is your salvation. Jesus is your wisdom. Jesus is your redemption. When you receive Jesus as your savior and Lord, if you tarry, meaning you dont wander back to the world, Jesus will send the Holy Ghost to you. The Holy Spirit must be given to you because you will need the Holy Spirit to comfort you in the world, as there is much sorrow and tribulation, and persecution of being a christian. But be of good cheer beloved of God, Jesus overcame the world. And Gods children overcome the world through Jesus Christ. You will need God to teach you how to be a child of God.The Holy Spirit is your teacher. The Holy Spirit will teach you the meaning of the scripture and will also reveal to you Gods perfect will for your life through the written word of God. The Holy Spirit also seals a child of God for all eternity. Your spirit and Gods Spirit are joined together forever, becoming ONE in Spirit. The Holy Ghost guarantees you salvation and you now share in the divine nature of God. As a Spirit filled son of God, you are well equipped with spiritual gifts; and you possess the same power in you that raised Jesus from the dead. And it is the power of God and his attributes that you now have and Christ living in and through you that now enable you to say yes to God and no to sin. The Holy Spirit will also lead you into all truth and righteousness for God is the Spirit of truth. God promises to lead you as you walk in the Holy Spirit of God. Your path will be lit by God and your steps carefully prepared for you by God. We are told in scripture, Let Gods word be true and every man be a liar. This simply means that natural man is not capable of telling the truth but God can not lie. You can trust him and his word for everything. If Christ be in you, you are not led by the flesh but by the Spirit and now you are capable of telling the truth. When you come to Jesus through faith, God, though circumcision, gives you a new heart of flesh. He takes out your stoney heart and your carnal mind, that previously was incapable of obeying God, and he gives you the mind of Christ and gives you a new heart of flesh. Your new heart comes with all new desires. One desire is to come out of the world in the attitude of your mind. Another is to die to your flesh and to die to the law. Another is to live your new life in Christ hid in him and seated in heavenly places with him. Your new heart will desire to abide in the Vine of Christ, and for Christ to abide in you. You pray that the Father will continue to purge your branch so that you bear fruit of the Holy Spirit. And you will learn that God is faithful and he rewards all who obey him. The fruit you desire to bear is Gods love, his Peace, his joy, his patience, his faithfulness, his gentleness, his long-suffering that he suffered while hanging on a cross for you. God will be faithful to teach you the importance of having the fruit of self-control in your new life. The fruit of self control will equip you to say no to your urges, to say no to the enemies snares that cause you to seek after the lusts and pleasures of the world. The Holy Spirit will lead you to seek after righteousness, peace and joy of the Holy Ghost.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:54:47 +0000

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