Why did the Astrologers bring Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh? - TopicsExpress


Why did the Astrologers bring Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of these were costly gifts.To show that Jesus was a king. Sometimes the gold is said to symbolize virtue, frankincense prayer, and myrrh suffering. Perhaps the only thing God wanted us to know was the why. If we examine that, than we can uncover the secret message of the Astrologers. Here is Matthew’s account. “Astrologers from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him (2:1-2, ). On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh” (2:11). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The why is clear: “[we] come to worship him.” This is one of the first accounts of anyone worshipping Jesus. God could have sent the greatest musicians, the most talented artists or the most articulate writers to set the first example of what it looks like to worship Jesus—but He didnt. He sent three Astrologers who are known as the wise men that gave Him gifts of great value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Their worship of Christ cost them something. They gave treasures of tremendous value that were no doubt a great sacrifice. The three wise men ( Astrologers) may be the first time in scripture that a monetary sacrifice is seen as an act of worship, but the theme is repeated throughout the Gospel. This is why the three wise men came bearing valuable gifts and gave them as an act of worship. This is why the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man spending all he has on a costly pearl. This is why “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24) This is the secret of the wise men (Astrologers) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Wise Men were: Astrologers. In the Bible, they are called Magi, which means wise men. They studied the stars and told people what they saw there. They were also the first scientists. They recorded the movements of the stars and planets, and they were the first people to take accurate measurements of the stars in the heavens and to put forth the ideas about whether the sun circled the earth, or whether the earth circled the sun. They were among the first who used the stars to measure distances on earth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Bible, it says that Magi came from the East to Jerusalem and asked, Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We saw his star in the East and have come to worship him. All of us have stars in the East, but Jesus star was special, and it took the Astrologers--to know that. Herod knew that and tried to use them to find the exact time of birth, something still do today in Astrology. The Astrologers--or magi--went on to find Jesus, to give him gifts, and the Bible further says, They were overjoyed to worship him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition, the magi were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, and so they didnt, because they wanted to protect the childs whereabouts. Everywhere in the Bible, angels come to people, and prophets speak to warn the people, so that they may behave better, take heed, and “be prepared”. These predictions are a gift and a reminder from God of what people can expect and how they should behave to make it into Gods heaven. Astrologers have been given the gift. It is not psychic, but it is scientific. It is not a game, because God doesnt give the gift of prophecy lightly. It is detailed and difficult to learn, because God doesnt want just anybody doing it and making it into a game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God wants to care for, guide, and protect us. That is why he sent his Son, whom the Astrologers foresaw, found, and worshipped. So it is with Astrology. It can warn and guide us and tell us what to expect. We can prepare for things that are difficult, and my belief is that then you know when to pray, because God hears the prayers of those awaiting difficult times. Many readers of the Bible will bring up the references in Deuteronomy where God forbids fortune telling. There is a difference between fortune telling and prophecy—and between parlor games involving luck and science. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the Bible says, “In the beginning was the Word,” and the word was good (that is, God. That’s the origin of the word “God.) As an astrologer, I believe that we all have a destiny that is already written, and you will see many places in Biblical lore, the words, “it is written”. With astrology, I can map the path each of us must take, with all the highs and lows. How we behave with each rise and fall is our choice, but the path itself is given by God and is never more than we can handle. None of this is “luck” or “fortune”’; it is God’s will. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many of the Holy books such as the Bible and the Vedas are said to hold codes that detail the destiny of each one of us. These are books given by God, and because we are given all these things to read—stars and books and our very lives, God has given us the tools to know our path and what we should be working on in life. As an astrologer, I can predict something, but if it is a challenging thing, I can pray, and God will lessen the blow, and often times turn the experience into a miracle. We get closer to people--and to God-- during crisis. What a solace to know that! And what a gift to know that God has given us a way to help ourselves so that we can turn to Him, so that life can be peaceful and without shock! I find that astrology can help people find peace--and God—and miracles in every day life experiences, even the most tragic ones. This is truly a blessing that only God could bestow. R. Mystery
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 22:28:45 +0000

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