Why did we adopt children from Ukraine rather than the U.S.? Ive - TopicsExpress


Why did we adopt children from Ukraine rather than the U.S.? Ive been asked dozens of times. The main reason is because its where God led me and this is why, here is a short clip from this article that is based on the city/Republic that John Paul and Dasha were institutionalized in. Show me an orphan with Down Syndrome living in the U.S. thats being malnourished to the extent of being the size of a 6 month old at 3 years old or 12 month size at 4 years old and Ill adopt them. They shaved their hair off and were crib bound with no toys or affection. I saw children with years of built up scar tissue and open bleeding on their foreheads from banging their heads repeatedly out of frustration and neglect. They were kept in a baby orphanage in a room that translated to this is where we keep the defectives. At the age of four they would both have been transferred to one of these mental institutions. Heres the clip... Although he had been able to help two orphanages, he wasn’t prepared for the third. One of the women running the Bible Orphan Ministry insisted on taking him to an orphanage that functioned as a mental institution for boys and men from the ages of 5 to 35. The inhabitants had various degrees of mental and physical disabilities including Down syndrome and autism. What struck Widder when he entered the facility was the stench of human waste. Whenever the toilet flushed the sewage just went underneath the building and baked. The children were soiled and their clothes were dirty. Walls were broken and beds were made of steel. Despite that, the children were so happy to have a visitor, they eagerly shook his hand the “way Ukrainian men do. “I’ve never felt so disgusted with myself because it was difficult,” Widder said. He was told the orphanage had made improvements because the boys and men no longer were eating off of dirt floors. That orphanage contrasted greatly with the others he had visited. John 14:18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 05:42:44 +0000

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