Why do I constantly harp on about the occult and nephilim and - TopicsExpress


Why do I constantly harp on about the occult and nephilim and other things? To many who knew me before they likely think its just cos Ive snapped. And yes - people I thought were friends have disowned me. But in truth it is because I dabbled - in divination - as a kind of scientific field experiment. I started taking a diary of conversations I had between myself and what I referred to as the pendulum guides over a decade ago, after my former wife led us both into a new age meditation practise called Melchizadek method. I thought all the new age meditation stuff was crap... But I joined in as I was informed by my wife at the time that couples who dont do this together wind up splitting apart... It was all hogwash to me. And surprised the heck out of me how my wife at the time got so taken in by what I saw as obvious charlatan garbage, purely out to make money off people - considering my then wife had a PHD in medical research science...! Those levels in that meditation practice werent cheap (luckily we managed to get out of paying for them!). I did em. Pretended to have the visions while we listened to the droning voice of the cult guru guide us in visualisation meditations for hours on end. Sigh. But strangely I was intrigued by other things... And thats when I started dabbling with pendulum divining. And started to treat this as an experiment where I started to get the notion that whatever was talking to me through that pendulum wasnt just my subconscious mind... But was literally external independent intelligent entities. I used to get those entities to tell me what playing card I would pull out of a deck...! I would get them to locate items hidden in the house. I would ask and get answers on subjects ranging from underwater UFO bases to the nature of the entities realm..... One day pride and ambition led me to engage in a conversation with the pendulum guides which led to me believing I was a pioneer about to discover something of significance for mankind.... And so I asked if I could manifest my own higher self or spirit guide in the flesh. Why? To make up for a very negative individual I had known before my marriage (looking at this in hindsight). Soon as I requested this of the pendulum guides I was sick the next day..... With an illness no doctor understands (its called Poly Arteritis Nodosa). No doctor knows what causes it nor why it goes away. During this time, when I feared I would die, after the doctors revealed their fear that they didnt know how to help me, I turned to God. Seriously. Earnestly. Considering God this time as real - not a vague concept at the peripheral of my mind. From that moment, my illness swung around and I gradually but surely came back to the land of the living. After this I was compelled to research - into my ex wifes cult we were both involved in, into New Age, into Occult, etc. I asked those pendulum guides again, after I realised what happened to me when I turned to God was what people call born again... Which I never understood - until it happened to me almost by accident...! And so those pendulum guides I asked do they believe in God, and in Messiah. They said yes. I asked, do they serve satan. They said.... YES. I never touched anything like divination ever again. And all the things that happened around this time I started to find lined up with what is written in the New Testament of the bible... Realisation of Christ... The process of repentance (it really was a process - like how digestion might work - it just started to happen and I worked out what was going on as the process developed). And then the leading into knowledge that happened at that time - being guided (not from without but from within... Which lined up with what the bible writes concerning the Holy Spirit). All of this was back in 2003/4. I was talking to a reformed former white witch turned born again believer from USA during the time I was researching all these things - she said to me I had attempted to summon a demon with those pendulum guides (remember I was lured into requesting my spirit guide be manifest in the flesh....) - and I had not provided a blood sacrifice (nor a circle of protection) and thus I had become the sacrifice - or possessed - or both. My illness was that my immune system believed there was a foreign body in my system - my immune system believed my blood veins were the foreign body so they tried to attack them..... It is written and any true occultists as well as bible scholar know this as well... That the life is in the blood. It is by the blood that demonic action also receives power (feeding off our life force / chi / orgone etc). It is also by the blood that we are saved through the Messiah. All of the new age mystics in this video ALL believe the same pattern of information which says the same things... That you are a god but dont know it... That you and only you have the power to save yourself (from death / destruction etc). And that Messiah is not what is claimed but an evolved human only...... All these things are common to nearly all new age beliefs. Why? And how? Because the ones giving the info (who are being channeled) are all in accord... They are what we would call demons... And even fallen angels - and the most mind boggling realisation is that they actually are real and are part of history going back as far as we can see. Today people think these beings are space brothers. And strangely all of this is in opposition to the message of the bible. Strange - why not focus on Hindu or Buddhism? Nope: its very much an issue of making sure the message these beings give out places Messiah in a position of not God and making us think we dont need anything but our own power to attain life. Why not worry about Buddha or Vishnu? Why Christ? Because these demons know its Christ who has power.... The very Christ who healed my illness and saved me from death so today I can relay this crazy story (and make other sane people think Im a complete loon.. Lol. An unfortunate side effect of being saved by a living God that Ill gladly deal with for now :)). The notion that these entities give us that we are all gods is absurd - I had to work hard just to pass chemistry.... How the HELL am I a god who can work out my own ascension / salvation? Clearly its a stupid lie that appeals to the arrogance inside us. To think we are gods when we have everything on loan - and not one of us a clue as to where DNA even comes from. So today, while I am a very logical and rational person, I also know am quite serious about and believe based on evidence, observation and witness, and experience that there is a living God, and the more Ive researched and explored and questioned the more Ive come to the conclusion the bible is correct and speaks of truth. I cant explain how the bible starts to make sense - it just does - but only after being saved and born again (which means born of the spirit of God). Only with what I call discernment of the spirit can one hope to unlock the bible in a real way. Until then it is impenetrable. Strange - yet this is what I have observed. https://m.youtube/watch?v=__nMG8CuOe8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 13:09:41 +0000

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