Why do I hate religion? Religion is designed to focus the - TopicsExpress


Why do I hate religion? Religion is designed to focus the peoples attention and energy on a single, unchanging, uncompromising and invisible supreme being who allegedly created an inferior human race just for some extra companionship and love for himself and then supposedly foisted a set of oppressive and in some cases arbitrary rules on them, which if broken would be met with unimaginable punishment. This keeps the followers in a continuing state of fear and compliance. They are afraid to question the intentions of this invisible being and they are afraid of even expressing their own individuality in many cases. Christians, Muslims and others are taught that they have virtually no power to do anything except pray, worship and do good deeds. They are taught to practice self denial and are told that their own will is totally irrelevant. Religious followers believe that they are yielding their will over to a benevolent cosmic individual who has single-handedly created the whole universe and has their best interests at heart when in fact they are handing over their will and freedoms to hidden groups of religious elites for the elites own personal gains. It appears that religion must constantly degrade and humiliate its followers in order to glorify and elevate its god. Unfortunately many people appear eager to give away their power to authority and seem to have a need and even a desire to be ruled and disciplined by it. Worshipping gods is futile and is nothing more than an ancient primitive custom practiced by weak minded and superstitious people. It has no place in the 21st century. The reason we have life in this world is to experience life in this world, not to spend our entire lives studying an old book, looking up to the sky and worshipping an invisible ruler in another realm. The main method by which Christians in particular are trapped and deceived is with the messiah or saviour story. This is linked to the original sin story which is designed to impose a large amount of guilt onto the whole of humanity. The believers are then so grateful that they have been saved by the son of God nearly 2000 years before they were born that in some cases they abandon all reason, logic and good judgment to obey and worship this god and his son. Anyone who believes this story is indeed lost because to believe that a god would send his only son to help us, only to see his son get tortured and murdered, and then instead of unleashing all his wrath, simply absolve us from all crimes past and present, is pure madness to say the least. Mohammad married thirteen women in which one (Zainab) was the wife of his own adopted son. Where is the lesson for us in that? What has been achieved? There is no lesson or purpose because its all about mass psychological enslavement and disempowerment. Today the community of one religion feels happy and jovial when others are been killed by natural disaster or massacre and these characteristics of religion really shocked me. The current example is Gaza where thousands of innocent children are being killed by Israeli but most Christians, Jews and Hindus were happy because a particular community is being targeted but the hearts of people like me is crying as humanity is targeted in the name of religion. (Please friends read this article of mine in magazine “Catholic digest” of this month to know in details. If you have some problems or questions to ask please put it in my inbox I will try my level best to answer it.)
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 09:31:32 +0000

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