Why do I refer to it as the Democrat Party and not the Democratic - TopicsExpress


Why do I refer to it as the Democrat Party and not the Democratic Party? No, its not a typo. Its because a name that includes the word democratic allows the uninformed to assume that this party is democratic, and I question more and more each day how democratic this party really is. It also makes it sound as if the Republicans are not democratic, when we DO believe in a democracy; Republicans understand that we have been given a republic, much better than a pure democracy. The name Republican Party IS suitable. But whats the difference between a Republic and a Democracy? Plain democracy in its truest and purest form is when everyone votes on every issue, every time... think about how terrible that idea is. Rick Santorum (love him or hate him, hes a strong guy) said it best when he said that we cannot let citizens continue to say I AM THE LAW AND WHAT I SAY GOES! A republic holds the same values of a democracy, which is letting the people have a voice in their government, but its a bit different. We have elected officials who are held accountable by the people, and follow the guidelines of a constitution--the best one ever written, may I add. It provides checks and balances so one branch doesnt become too powerful and provides citizens with rights that protect them from their government. And so, I would argue that the word Democrat and the word Democratic are no longer relatable.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 06:32:09 +0000

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