Why do I think these things? One answer, something that - TopicsExpress


Why do I think these things? One answer, something that astronomers and scientists love to say: 100 billion stars each in 100 billion galaxies! The real numbers are MUCH bigger. There may be more like 300 to 500 billion stars in each galaxy and there are more than likely far more than 100 billion galaxies! Most religion claims that earth was created for us...we human animals. Just for US!! When I step outside in far Northern California and look up at the night sky, I see up to ten thousand visible stars. The air is so clear here and the nights are so dark that the sky blazes with these points of light. The plane of the galaxy we live in is visible as the Milky Way and, unlike my home in Kansas City, the glory of it all is so apparent! What are these points of light in the sky? They are each suns like our own sun, only SOOO far away, travel to them is impossible for us. There are also a few points of light that are planets as well. Did our ancient forebears know that they were suns? Or that the planets were worlds like our own, immense sphers floating in space? The answer? A resounding and deafening no!! Until the age of modern science, it was not known what they were...just a few hundred years ago! Not one human, not one astronomer, astrologer, farmer, shepherd, king, general, plowman, miner, banker, priest, chimney sweep, not one person knew that the stars were suns! Not one prophet, messiah, martyr, theologian, missionary, not one man, woman, boy, girl or ANYONE thought that! Oh, to be sure, they were familiar with the stars and planets but true understanding of them was missing. So...EVERY one of the worlds great religions, and EVERY lesser and forgotten ones as well, were ignorant that stars were the same thing as the sun that lit their world every day. And they all thought that that sun rotated around the planet which they did not even know was a great ball! And their careful astrology had planets being retrograde as they seemed to reverse direction in their travel through the sky, not having ANY idea that the planets merely seemed to reverse direction as our planets orbit surpassed the orbit of that planet, overtaking it for a while while perspective changed. No one put that together because they did not know what a plenetary orbit was! All of this misunderstanding of the night sky was, while logical, a huge misreading of reality, which was the basis of all supernatural religion and belief. And now? Now that we are taught the truth of this? Do we look up and realize that Genesis , Joshua stopping the sun in the sky. Zeus hurling lightening, giants in the earth, boats of a million years in the twelve hours of the night in Khem, Helios driving a blazing chariot through the sky....all of this, and more? Pure myth. Understandable, but just plain wrong! Gods are a result of illusions, misreadings of reality, fears of natural disasters and strange phenoma. The curvature of our own planet is not visible to just about anyone below about 45,000 feet. How COULD we know that our planet is a ball in space? We could not and VERY few people made the leap to realize it. Even in Columbuss time very few common people knew that we lived on a spherical planet...what little education common people had was learned from the Bible which has no science in it and treats the Earth as flat. So, religion...ALL religion is bunk . Sorry my religious friends but it is true. No evidenc and flawed premises are all they are.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 03:53:24 +0000

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