Why do certain Christians do what they do? I came across many - TopicsExpress


Why do certain Christians do what they do? I came across many people in my life time all different types some that cant even be explained but yet there is requirements which God has given to each of us for a soul purpose to be met. 1.We all are created in Gods image and look good in HIS sight how then do Christians select who to help or associate with based on appearace when each one looks pleasant to the Lord...has one failed at this? 2.When you play Gospel music in your car loud and as you approach much people,work or friends of different beliefs etc you turn it down or change the music as if its not who you were created to be? 3.You judge the whole world but yet when its done to you there is never accountability, you cast stones but deep within your heart there is turmoil and its everything you yourself fail with. 4.Change their behaviours at church functions and put a act for the leaders,pastors so forth but yet behind closed doors do the opposite...who are you actually fooling God or man? 5.Feel ashamed to lift your hands in church and worship more worried about what people think but outside the church could not be bothered. 6.Say you only talk about God but yet the reason we were created was to worship HIM,indirectly deny not you but God and have not realised that... Ill stop right there for now God is speaking...is it true that the people have lost their way and are in a state of danger thinking they have it right but they themselves are closer to the gates of hell but think others are closer. Is there a cry from God for the lost to return back to sanity and realise the time to play church has to stop for God is watching forget about man and return back to the saviour. I humbly declare not what I chose to but what God commanded me to.stay blessed.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 21:18:57 +0000

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