Why do i waste time this way? Science is our friend. - TopicsExpress


Why do i waste time this way? Science is our friend. Unfortunately, it has been hijacked by merciless politicians such as chug chug choo-choo Prof Brown, radicalized environmists who carry the Green flag and paid for ivory towerites like UCLAs Queen Mary Nichols Tabbert wants a carbon tax. EPAs Ruckelshaus helped kill 40 million. letter: Mr Tabbert loves taxes. For those who cant afford more, outside of Newport Beach, it is not a carbon fee but a baseless tax for the guv and the IMF to take more from us.. He cites CIA and NSA; sorry, Mr. Tabbert doesnt cite one scientist. Global warming, no matter how much climate change worshippers adore Algore, has flat lined for 18 years. Look at the pictures: Ice at both poles has increased from summer to summer, indicating average global temps are NOT rising. He uses an informal fallacy called argumentum ad hominem, beating up on the paper and your columnist, sneering at honest inquiry and scientific doubt, without any facts. As usual. 12 man made CO2 molecules out of one million have zero effect on global temps; the other 97% (of 400ppm CO2) we blame on God anyway. Even as concentration has moved from 290 to 400ppm, no global warming. Just unscientific claptrap. Carbon dioxide is trace and essential to life (respiration) AND food production (photosynthesis). Maybe, photosynthesis isnt important in Newport Beach but the rest of the world values it. Mr. Tabbert, you impose a fee on Big Oil unfairly, WE pay the fee. Ever hear of Prof Browns plan to take 15-60 cents more per gallon next Jan 1, based on this farce? Next your beloved carbon tax on top of carbon tax. When will this nuttiness end? Every atmospheric physicist knows greenhouse gassing and man created global warming is a fraud. Just way too many fools keep bullying us, argumentum ad hominem for being climate change deniers. No one denies snow and rain and other climate changes occur. Just the stupidity of giving man any of the credit. Tabbert, for the record, appeals to probability (a formal logical error) and agumentum ad nauseum, to wear us down. 42 years ago, Audubon and Earth Defense Firster William Ruckleshaus shelved DDT, based on his bias not on science. Today, three more OC people are dead from West Nile Virus. Uganda told us recently to pound sand and brought the safe and most effective chemical back. In the meantime, 40 million dead and 200 million new cases of malaria and other vector(mosquito) borne diseases, though it had been eradicated. His excuse, Rachel Carsons bird book, Silent Spring was based on bad science, just as Mr. Tabbert wants to take us to the cleaners based on a much repeated farce. Too bad, they dont teach honest science in schools anymore; we do, but we dont live in Newport, chicken littlers who foolishly fear for their lives that the ocean will rise higher then their infinity pools and backyard bars unless man stops breathing. And the OC folks dead from West Nile can thank Ruckelshaus; hes still alive, a retired EPA admin, living in Florida. He doesnt have malaria but most of his dead victims did. Paper (kill trees) or plastic (thin multipurpose) anyone?
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:08:30 +0000

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