Why do many people, despite being good and pious, or - TopicsExpress


Why do many people, despite being good and pious, or apparently innocent, suffer severe tribulations in this worldly life? What wrong could a child or an infant, for example, commit so that he or she should have to suffer a fatal disease or even be murdered? Why do we see many good people suffering severe afflictions and calamities that they apparently do not deserve? These questions often plague the mind of people who have had to go through some difficult and trying moments in their lives. However, there is yet another question that everyone going through a difficult situation in his life ought to ask as well- is there a reality behind my apparent difficult situation? The Qur’an mentions an interesting story about prophet Musa (alayhi salaam) in chapter 18 (surat al –Kahf) beginning from verse 60. In this story, Musa (alayhi salaam) met a person named Kidr, whom Allah had given “special knowledge”, at a place where “two rivers me”. Musa asked him for permission to accompany him in travel. Kidr replied, “you will surely not be able to bear with me. For how can you patiently bear with something you cannot encompassing in your knowledge?” After Musa (alayhis salam) insisted that he would be patient. Kidr allowed him to come with him on condition that he must not question him about anything unless he himself explains it to him. They came to a place and found a boat. Kidr damaged the boat by making a hole in it. Musa immediately objected saying “have you made a hole in it so as to drown the people in the boat? You have certainly done an awful thing! Khidr replied, Did I not tell you that you will not be able to patiently bear with me? Musa pleaded with him, saying that he forgot the promise. Moving on, they got to a place where they met a boy, and Khidr killed him. Utterly shocked, Musa (alayhi salaam) exclaimed: What! Have you slain an innocent person without his having slain anyone? Surely you have done a horrible thing. Khidr replied: Did I not tell you that you will not be able to patiently bear with me? Musa pleaded again, saying that if he ever questioned him again about anything, then he would be Fully justified in discarding him. Moving further on, they came to a town where they met hostility but _where they found a wall that was broken and falling apart. Khidr repaired the wall to prevent it from disintegrating. Unable to hold his curiosity, Musa told Khidr that if he wished, he could have gotten a payment for it. Perhaps he was hoping that Khidr would explain the matter to him without him asking a question. That final comment made Khidr part with Musa: This brings me and you to parting of ways, he said: Now I shall explain to you the true meaning of things about which you could not remain patient. About the boat, he explained, it belonged to some poor people who earned their livelihood from the river. Nearby, there was an oppressive king who was seizing all boats by force. He damaged the boat so that the king will ignore it. About the boy, his parents were righteous whereas this boy was growing up to be a violent man who would have oppressed them. It was hoped - that Allaah would now provide them with a righteous son. Lastly, about the wall, there was some buried treasure in there for two orphan boys left behind by their righteous father. By fixing the wall and preventing it from falling apart and thus exposing the treasure, he gained time for the boys to grow up and recover their property. Before leaving, Khidr made his final comment that none of these was done by his own wish, meaning that he was simply executing Allaahs commands. This story brings out a fact that is central to understanding the Islamic perspectives on trials and tribulations, and that is: Trials and tribulations is not an end on itself. Trials are a painful but temporary part of a process beyond which lies the reality of something good and desirable. Unlike Musa (alayhi salaam) for whom the curtain was briefly lifted a believer cannot see that reality immediately with his mortal eyes, but his faith and knowledge make him fully confident of that reality. With that understanding borne in mind, we will now discuss some of the aspects of trials and tribulations from an Islamic perspective. Allaah is in Full Control of the Universe and Fully Aware of All Events Nothing happens in this world except through the leave of Allaah. Therefore, a person who has been suffering from distress should know that Allaah is fully aware of all that has happened or been happening to him. It is not a chaotic world where pain and suffering happens at random, nor is it a lawless universe without a ruler and watcher where the strong - be that a person or a nation - can do whatever it wishes to the weak without a consequence. The believer should know that Allaah is aware of every little details of everything that happens, so much so that not even a leaf falls from a tree without Allaah being aware of it: And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in (or on) the earth and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but he knows it. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a Clear Record. (Q6[Anam]:59) Therefore, the believer should take relief and comfort from the fact that Allaah is fully and intimately aware of his situations. Goodness is From Allaah, Evil is From Ourselves A believer must have firm conviction that any good that happens to us comes from Allaah and any calamity that befalls us is the result of our own making: And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned, And He pardons much. ( Q42[Shuura]:30) And Allaahs Messenger (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: No affliction great or small afflicts a man but for a sin. But there are more which Allaah forgives. (Tirmidhi) This does not mean that one will suffer. in the form of calamities in this world, the consequences of every sin or mistake he commits. As the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, Allaah forgives much more sins than the ones from which one suffers or will suffer in the Hereafter. But the important point to understand is that Allaah does not cause injustice to anyone by putting him or her to undue suffering. Our own experience and observations often point to this fact. When an individuals sits down and reflects upon his difficulties and makes an objective analysis of the events and actions leading to his situations, he will almost always identify some things he did that he should not have done or he did not that he should have done, which led to that situation. For example, for parents who suffer from their rebellious and disobedient teenaged child, it will be found, almost without exception, that they did not arrange his proper Islamic education and agood environment, and did not give it an enough priority to engage themselves with his upbringing. Indifference or inaction can be as serious as committing a sin or making a bad decision, which can lead to grave consequences. Now, a righteous believer who has been afflicted with a terrible calamity or injustice may wonder: So what have I done for which I have to suffer as such? First and foremost, let us be reminded about the fundamental lesson learned from the story of Musa (alayhi salaam) above, which is: there is a reality behind the apparent which can be far different, if not the opposite, from what we observe on the surface. . Secondly, even when a righteous believer finds no apparent reason for his calamity, self-scrutiny and objective analysis can point out some mistakes or some incorrect decisions made in the past leading to the situation. If, for example, a righteous and pious person with a very high moral character and conduct marries a person without looking for proper Islamic character and conduct in him or her, and subsequently suffers from a bad marriage and from the actions of that unrighteous spouse, then who else should be blamed other than that pious individual himself/herself? It is the Righteous Believers Who are Tested With Calamities Achieving Paradise will not be easy. It will come only with unshakable faith and trust in Allaah. A1laah, may He be glorified, says: “Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: We believe.” and will not be tested.” (Q29[Ankabut]:2) and certainly. We shall test you with something at fear, hunger, loss at wealth lives and fruits but give glad tidings to As-Sabirin (the patient ones. etc.). (Q2[Baqarah]:155) To how many believers these verses come out as relief and solace! How many hearts of believers, with wild storms and waves in there, have calm down when remembering these verses! Day in and day out, these verses have brought the believers to tranquility and provided them with strength. Their souls then speak out: Yes, we are tested because we are righteous believers.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 20:02:34 +0000

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