Why do others judge you by the actions of someone youre close to? - TopicsExpress


Why do others judge you by the actions of someone youre close to? Are we not individuals, who do our own deeds, who have our own feelings, who are our own self? I find it disheartening, that someone I was once close to, could so easily turn their back, and hold so much hatred, and I hadnt done anything to provoke it, beside association. Guess the saying, Guilty by association rings true. It saddens me, Im not going to lie, but it is what it is. I now see the true colors. And I will learn from this lesson, to not give my love and friendship so freely to others. Which is hard cause I tend to give people the benifit of the doubt, and tend to see the good in people. Not saying people are bad, they just make choices for you to question. And thats the beauty of life, being free to make choices. I choose to move on, close a chapter, and continue to be me, happy, loving and caring, giving my love and friendship to those who want it. To those who deserve it, cause Im a pretty awesome person if I dont say so myself. I wish those who judge me by the actions of those I love well. I hold no ill will. After all, I have no reason to. ♥♥♥ Life is not an easy adventure. There will be ups, there will be downs. Its how you chose to react, for which your future is forged. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Be your friends true friend. Return gift for a gift. Repay laughter with laughter, and betrayal with treachery.
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 12:44:08 +0000

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