Why do people feel a NEED to tell others their personal beliefs as - TopicsExpress


Why do people feel a NEED to tell others their personal beliefs as if fact, that others must know. Whether you BELIEVE theres a God or not. That is YOUR business not mine or anyone elses. So please keep it to yourself and stop trying to ram it down the throats of others. When Jesus was going around teaching people his thoughts on stuff he thought to those who were following him interested in what he had to say. He did not according to the bible go round forcing his views onto those who were not interested or did not want to hear. He went to a mount and gave a sermon to people there to listen to him. No one was forced to listen. There were references to people discovering who he was asking him to talk to them about his thoughts. I do not normally see people on these posts asking others to tell them about their beliefs in God or the lack of one. This post is about meditation. So why even bring up whether or not (you believe) there is one or not. Respect others by not forcing your beliefs on them as if fact. When whilst I have no doubt you believe it fact that God is or is not real. The ONLY real fact is that it is your belief. That you are entitled to it. Do not take away the right of others to their beliefs by insisting their beliefs are wrong and yours are right. Jesus had people do this. Pharasees and scribes. He did not tell them they were wrong so much as throw back at them their own beliefs. Their own perception of them being right and he being wrong. He did not go to them they went to him. To tell him he was wrong and in what ways. His only annoyance with them was that they did this. Instead of coming to him to hear what he had to say becuase they were genuinely interested and with an open mind. But with their own agenda to prove him wrong. I really dislike that and comments such as on this post I do not feel appropriate when to meditate has little to do with religious belief. People really are so ignorant. I am an agnostic, yet I do have inclinations toward Buddhism. And bizarrely when I tell people of. faith this they get confused and defensive thinking I am going to threaten their beliefs. When actually Buddhism does not necessarily threaten anyones religious beliefs in a Deity. RESPECT people. Allow others to believe what they want without pushing your personal religious beliefs onto them. So many wars and conflicts have already happened becuase of this attitude. Learn from history instead of repeating it. If there is an almighty God I am pretty sure he can fight His own battles and I am sure that the Jesus from the NT would not be wanting this carry on in His name or that of the God he stated to be His father. Whether you be jew, christian or Muslim. I am confident that your God does not want you doing this. That is why he gave free will. So you decide for yourself to believe what you will and then account for that to your God at the end of your life.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 12:29:12 +0000

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