Why do so many people pretend not to know what they know about - TopicsExpress


Why do so many people pretend not to know what they know about Islam and its unique role in the world today? Why do so many smear those who speak the truth about this horrendous religion and its devout followers? Why do so many ignore the fact that although other religions involve barbaric commandments, none motivates large numbers of its followers to commit atrocities the way Islam does today? We can only speculate as to people’s motives on this count. Perhaps some feel that by pretending not to know what they know about Islam they can somehow make Islam not be what it is. Perhaps some have accepted the religious dogma Judge not, that ye be not judged or the relativist mantra Who are you to judge? and thus are afraid to judge or think for themselves. Perhaps some see that to criticize Islam for its irrational, faith-based tenets is to expose the fundamental illegitimacy of religion as such, and they are hesitant to do that. Perhaps some loathe freedom, America, and Western values and see the spread of Islam as a way to help eradicate these problems. Again, we can only speculate. But whatever people’s motives, these facts remain: (1) To pretend not to know what one knows is to be dishonest. (2) When we know that a person is being dishonest, we have a selfish, moral responsibility to acknowledge the fact and to judge him as dishonest. (3) When a person is dishonest in a way that intentionally whitewashes a religion that commands its followers to murder, enslave, or rape us or our loved ones—or when a person smears people for stating the unvarnished truth about that religion—we have a selfish, moral responsibility to judge that person as evil. Just as we have a moral responsibility not only to judge Nazism and its serious practitioners as evil, but also to judge those who whitewash them as evil; so too we have a moral responsibility not only to judge Islam and its serious practitioners as evil, but also to judge those who whitewash them as evil. There are, of course, degrees of evil among such whitewashers—but those degrees are degrees of evil. People who knowingly whitewash evil are by that fact and to that extent evil. —Craig Biddle Full article here: https://theobjectivestandard/2014/10/evil-whitewashing-islam/
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 22:05:01 +0000

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