Why do some people think that people who get food stamps should - TopicsExpress


Why do some people think that people who get food stamps should only buy food that they approve of?.....Food stamp users get a certain amount to spend every month...when that is gone, they have to wait until the next month. It isnt a charge card with no limit!...If the user chooses to buy crab legs or a nice steak once in awhile thats their business.....once the money is gone, its gone......if you get a hundred dollars a month and you spend it all on beans and rice, thats your business.....if you spend it all on bread and milk, thats your business, and if you spend it by buying steak or seafood, thats your business...the amount you spend is still the same!....I was in the grocery line one time buying a rib eye steak and a small cheesecake for my birthday. I had not had a steak in over a year. The man behind me was watching me like a hawk. When he saw my food stamp card he said, right out loud in front of everyone, Wow, I wish that I could afford to buy a nice steak...I have to work for a living, I dont get free food.....I turned around to him and said, I am sorry that you have such a lousy job that doesnt pay you enough to buy a steak once in awhile, maybe you need to work 2 jobs like I do.....he shut up and everyone started laughing...as I put my groceries into my cart, he asked the check-out clerk to give him 2 packs of Marlboros that were in the case behind her...I turned around and said, Wow....you can afford to buy cigarettes?.....maybe you need to quit smoking and then you could afford a steak.....his face turned bright red and I smiled at the people in line who were laughing their asses off....Moral of the story is...mind your own damn business....you have no idea why that person is using food stamps...maybe they are shopping for someone who is disabled at home, or maybe they are a foster parent taking care of kids who have no family, maybe they just found out that they have cancer and its their last meal before they start chemo.....maybe they are shopping for elderly parents or a disabled vet who served 3 tours in Iraq...it is NONE of your business!...Just because you pay taxes doesnt give you the right to judge anyone...they may be paying more taxes than you do....
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:06:32 +0000

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