Why do these mustards keep on about the same thing? Anything bad - TopicsExpress


Why do these mustards keep on about the same thing? Anything bad and its this is not the real izlam Rubbish. Same book of lies as a reference taught in the same place of cult worship. Taken out of context in translation is another. Rubbish again. So that means the true meaning is only in arabic so ISIS is right with their interpretation are they? I have had way to many so called peaceful mustards gingerly tread around me when it comes to discussing the finer points of what they believe. Either they have not read the whole of the book of lies or just quote the good bits. Only trouble is the 109 verses that are violent towards the Infidel Kuffar are easy to find, no matter what language it is in. An education on this cult arms you with the knowledge of what it takes to push their buttons to expose what they really think, or more to the case what they have been taught. Trust me on this one, good peaceful mustards are few and far between. They all hedge their bets both ways while in the west just in case like they have been taught that izlam will dominate the world. This is where the lies come out at their thickest. Beware of this, always remember, never forget and do something about it no matter how small. The Infidel Kuffar is the dominant force in this world. This claim that izlam is the fastest growing is counter reacted also with how many leave. Look anywhere in the world where mustards have control and it will be going backwards, slowly in some places but surely. This turns them away and the ones who can afford it leave. (RTA)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:36:52 +0000

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