Why do we Glorification of historic evils?! Who taught us to - TopicsExpress


Why do we Glorification of historic evils?! Who taught us to glorify them? What makes us into Obedience to honor evil to allow bloodbath against one another? Contemporary culture has a tendency to romanticize the evils of history. Genocidal warlords such as Alexander are given the title “Great”. Royal masters are bestowed with the honor of having been a “good king”. Communisms slavery is venerated under the pretense that Joseph Stalin was the reason the system failed. The murders of law enforcement are painted white under the banner of defending the rule of law. Bloodbaths are idealized in the loyalty of armies. Culture would have us ignore the nature of history. It would have us believe that they are fantasies and stories, instead of the struggle of humanity against evil. Billions have lost their lives struggling against tyranny. The lesson of history is not the honor of slaves, or the good of a system or the nobility of a king. It is the nature of evil that we must learn. Do not let culture cloud your knowledge of history by glorifying tyranny. This clouding of tyranny is found in every culture on earth today, and obscures the same tyranny found in the past. Those who facilitated tyranny served as the enablers of authority. “I am just doing my job.” Culture will not question what the job was. Culture will not allow you to believe that people have any responsibility to disobey the evil of authority. Nazis, communists and warlords alike; culture teaches us that the average butcher of history was just doing his job. Culture glorifies the evils of history and teaches that todays blind obedience to authority is nobility. The same blinding of the mind used by the cultures of the past is used by culture today. How correct law pretends itself to be is irrelevant. In order to enforce authority you must destroy liberty. Obedience to authority is the only objective of culture. It has a thousand facets, and a million lies, but its design is always obedience. Chivalry was the code of honor created by royalty in the middle ages. This honor consisted of blind adoration of knights and noblemen. Peasants and serfs were taught that those who ruled over them and enforced the law of the king were always respectable and moral. The objective was the obedience of human beings to authority. The teaching of chivalry was that the knights of law enforcement had more value than everyone else. Patriotism is the code of honor created by nations in modern times. This honor consists of total allegiance to whomever controls the nation at the moment. Patriotism offers no choice. You cannot choose which nation to support; you are a slave by birth. You cannot refuse obedience, all law has total claim to you. Patriotism teaches that the nation is glorious and strong, and that people have value only in as much as they bow to it. The rule of law is the code of honor created by democracy. It teaches that honor is found in obedience to the law. This code teaches that you cannot examine what the law says, or who wrote it or why. The rule of law demands total obedience. Law is a weapon, and obedience is its design. The rule of law equates criminality with morality. The rule of law teaches that law has more value than people. All cultures call disobedience treason, and scare people with ideas of treachery against what is right and proper. Treason is the premise that it is wrong to disobey the interests of authority. The truth is that it is wrong to compel others to action against their will. Since authority is always a creature of force, the claims of law are immoral and irrelevant. There is no such thing as treason. Those who are under the limitation of culture will enforce cultures doctrines upon others. Culture teaches that morality is found in obedience, and so those who believe that authority is rightfully exercised over people will demand that their friends and neighbors behave according to cultures will. This is the treachery of culture. It convinces people that slavery is morality. It desires only obedience, and people return it in droves. It convinces people that the destruction of freedom is morality. It pretends that evil is good, and that good is evil. All who would speak against authority in the defense of freedom are condemned. At its strongest form, culture is able to convince its people to become soldiers and murder, plunder and conquer new peoples. It has happened in every empire. It has happened in every kingdom and nation. From Nazi warlords to barbarian hordes, and from lynch mobs to law enforcement, authority is expanded and retained by violence. Those who participate in furthering the goals of evil are given the titles of “bravery” and “honor” by culture. Culture seeks to enforce authority by impressing upon the minds of people that they are inferior to law. When people believe that they are worth less than law, they will believe that it is their rightful place to obey. The symbols that authority uses to create the illusion that people have limited worth are very similar throughout history. The robes of modern judges compare to the robes of royalty. The wigs of late European politics compare to the crowns of royalty. The uniforms of law enforcement and the armor of knights. Captain, general, senator, magistrate, sheriff, prince, lord. Titles, clothing and badges have been used in every culture in history to create the illusion of authority. Culture focuses the mind on symbols such as honor, loyalty, devotion and duty. Such symbols are not new. It is easy for most people to recognize the foolishness of loyalty to king, dictator or communism. However, people still fall to modern symbols such as law, democracy and patriotism. If the objective of a symbol is obedience, it is evil!! Police officers carry badges to show that they are duly authorized enforcers of the law. They enforce the law upon you, but you did not authorize them. This is the illusion of authority. Culture hides tyranny behind the trappings of meaningless symbolism. It would have you believe that law is authorized to reign over you however it pleases. It hides the fact that only you can give that permission. Instead, it presumes permission by birthright, or by the geometry of your location relative to its borders. It is an illusion. Should law truly be the authorized agent of defense or production, it would have to receive the permission of every single person it claims to represent. It would have to allow every person to extricate themselves from that authority if law failed to meet its obligation. Law never seeks permission and never will. It does not represent you, it represents ultimate evil!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 03:38:00 +0000

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