Why do we refuse to acknowledge the seriousness of our sins. We - TopicsExpress


Why do we refuse to acknowledge the seriousness of our sins. We make light of them. We cover them up and make excuses for continuing in our sinful behavior. Like a pet, we often joke about them and keep them around, saying “No one is perfect” and “God will understand if I struggle in this area.” An Olympic high jump wouldn’t require much training if athletes could lower the bar to the point they could simply step over it. But isn’t that what we are doing when we lower the bar of God’s standards on sin so that instead of striving to meet it we can step over it? This isn’t to say that our salvation is based on our ability to be “good enough” for God. However, why do we think we can just skate by without serious effort to live up to His expectations? In the Old Testament, kings declared fasts for the whole nation to dress down into sackcloth and bury their heads in ashes as a symbol of their shame in sinning against God. They understood the grave and serious danger of continuing in their sinful ways and hoped that He would turn from His wrath against them.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 19:13:59 +0000

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