Why do we suffer? What is the one small correction, if we make, - TopicsExpress


Why do we suffer? What is the one small correction, if we make, that will make us happy? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today. People suffer because they have all kinds of unreasonable desires and they pine to fulfil them and they fail. They attach too much value to the objective world. It is only when attachment increases that you suffer pain and grief. If you look upon Nature and all created objects with the insight derived from the Inner Vision, then attachment will slide away, though effort will remain; you will also see everything much clearer and with a glow suffused with Divinity and splendour. Close your external eyes and open your inner eyes - What a grand picture of essential unity you get? Attachment to Nature has limits, but the attachment you develop to the Lord when your inner eye opens, has no limit. Enjoy that reality, not this false picture. - Divine Discourse, 2 Feb 1958. Sathya Sai Baba When suffering comes in waves, one behind the other, do not be like cowards throwing the blame on some outside power or develop dislike for the Lord. Be glad the shore is near and bear them bravely. - Baba
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 04:28:43 +0000

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