Why do you need Natural Plant based supplements instead of just - TopicsExpress


Why do you need Natural Plant based supplements instead of just healthy food alone; Minimizing inflammation levels is possibly the easiest way to lose fat quickly and gain muscle. My Nutrition coach Mylinda Johnson Naturalist and I have always focused on minimizing inflammation by eating anti-inflammatory foods and reducing pro-inflammatory foods. So how does inflammation affect fat loss and muscle gain? 1. Insulin sensitivity -The less insulin sensitive you are, the more easily you put on fat and harder it is for you to put on muscle. Inflammation hinders insulin sensitivity and is an emerging cause of type 2 diabetes 2. GABA -GABA lets you sleep, and we all know how important sleep is for gains. Having an inflamed stomach hinders GABA production, contributes to anxiety, and reduces sleep quality. 3. Cortisol -Cortisol is a hormone which breaks down fat, glycogen, and muscle. Undesirable inflammation results in too much cortisol, too often. Long term elevated cortisol results in muscle loss, fat gain, and a loss of motivation to train. These are just three of the many effects chronic inflammation has on the body. Seems pretty average, right? If you want to gain more muscle and lose more fat, try implementing these five food tips which reduce undesirable inflammation. 1. Turmeric -This spice is powdered gold. Turmeric contains circumin, an anti-inflammatory, which will leave you feeling healthier, happier, and stronger. Add 2g turmeric to each meal or supplement with curcumin capsules daily 2. Avoid foods you are intolerant to -Foods are not just macronutrients. Foods which you are intolerant to generate an inflammatory response. By removing these foods from your diet, your inflammation levels will be drastically reduced. Foods groups which commonly cause an inflammatory response are gluten, dairy, and eggs, while artificial sweetners are cancer/obesity in a bottle. 3. Fibre -Increasing your fibre intake can reduce inflammation levels in your gut. The result of this is healthier digestion, healthier hormones, and better sleep! I use Fibre by Yor Health 4. Pro-biotic -Pro-biotic supplementation increase the good bacteria in your gut, and subsequently helps fat loss and muscle gain. I take any pro-biotic with more than 10 Billion bacteria, such as those made by Yor Health 5. Garcinia Cambogia -Garcinia is The fruit rind extract is rich in a compound called hydroxycitric acid. This compound inhibit fat production, especially fat produced from excess dietary calories as carbohydrates. Garcinia cambogia may also help curb your appetite. I supplement with Yor Super Slim by Yor Health which contains Garcinia as main ingredient as well as Green tea extract 6. Eat smart -It doesnt take a genius to figure out that overeating is bad. Overeating causes inflammation, disregulation of hormones which stimulate hunger, and contributes to leptin and insulin resistance. Count your calories, macronutrients, and eat nutrient dense foods which keep you full. Getting lean isnt hard. Youve just got to use the right methods to get there.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 11:17:15 +0000

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