Why do you think they want 11 million granted amnesty? They buy - TopicsExpress


Why do you think they want 11 million granted amnesty? They buy votes...welfare, social assistance programs, subsidies, free cell phones, food stamps...they have greated Entitled Nation and used the US Treasury and the future of the Nation to win a few votes before they bankrupt the country because you cant give away trillions of dollars to buy votes when those same voters you bought arent contributing as much to the economy as they are draining. It is simple mathematics. And to ensure that their bought voters dont ever change their minds they run smear campaigns about how the other candidates want to take away all of their freebies. Ensuring Democrats stay in office will do nothing but ensure the country goes bankrupt and becomes a third world shadow of the great nation it once used to be...until it ceases to exist altogether. We are clearly living through the beginning of the dying years of the United States of America unless drastic measures are taken...very soon. And stopping 11million people with their hands out from joining the voters is one of the most urgent steps to accomplish that. Dont get me wrong...I have NOTHING against immigrants...who enter the country legally and have invested themselves in becoming citizens and are thus more likely to contribute than to burden. But make no mistake...the last election was a blatant use of the US Treasury to buy an election and it wont be the last unless hard choices are made. Why do you think Republicans go along with sequestration level budgets? Because it minimizes the amount of money that Democrats can give away for free. If Democrats want to keep giving away money then it needs to come from money that is being given away to foreign countries in misguided attempts to buy friendships/allies...feed the starving at home before you feed the starving an ocean away. I know this may make me sound like a heartless asshole but Id rather be a heartless asshole AMERICAN, with Grandchildren that are AMERICANS, than whatever will become of this nation in three or four generations if we continue down this road...
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 00:00:37 +0000

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