Why do you worry ... Jesus cares for you ! Jesus Himself - TopicsExpress


Why do you worry ... Jesus cares for you ! Jesus Himself exhorts us in Matthew 6: 25 Do not worry (or do not be anxious ) for your life ... And in the Epistle of Peter, we are told : Cast all about it your worries because he cares for you . You may say that this is easier said than done , or , If the Lord knew the problems I have with my children, if he knew my financial situation, the high amount of my apartment , the difficulties I encounter in my studies, the financial status of my company , the uncertain future that I face ... . To you, the Lord will say again and again : Unload on me all your troubles , so do not worry , I myself take care of you. Why does the Lord exhort us so? Simply because the fact of worry about something can never lead us beyond our human limitations. The Lord Jesus also reminds us of the many exhortations not to worry about anything , Who of you by worrying can add one cubit unto his stature? (Matthew 6: 27) It is in vain , says the psalmist , you get up in the morning, you go to bed late, and you eat the bread of sorrows: He ( God ) gives to all his beloved while they sleep. Turn away thine eyes of your worries Scripture constantly bring us to turn our eyes to our situation, our problems , difficulties in life, to secure the tender care , the loyalty of our Heavenly Father. They tell us about the birds of the sky , wild flowers which are a vivid demonstration of the care that the Lord gives to all his creation , and how much more to us, his children. God provides faithfully every day , the vital needs of our existence , He gives us life. For some, it may have kept the home intact their parents, their children , for others it will preserve their health, has granted them a good job. And for all of us , his children, he has prepared a place for us in His heaven of glory, He has given us eternal life , and so many spiritual blessings . May we all turn our eyes to those who come to us all perfect gifts and keep staring at him : Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness ... and all things will be over . Seek to please and live for the Lord should be our first concern, to achieve the purpose that God has prepared for each of us, and not only achieve ourselves, but bring others with us. The things that you will overwhelm other proportions When weve managed to distract us from what we care about so much, and we resolutely turn to our Creator and Savior, our Lord, we quickly discover that many things that seem so overwhelming take other proportions that they suddenly lose their weight ! A well known author said: For those who tend and aspire to heavenly things , earthly things shall be awarded automatically , while for those who only cares about earthly things , he loses as well as each other . How important it is for each of us , Christians, to replace our efforts to overcome our problems, a constant search for a better relationship and a real communion with God. All circumstances will be illuminated by a divine light and all our daily worries resume their rightful place . We will therefore that the Lord Jesus is right when he says: Do not worry about tomorrow so ; tomorrow will care for itself. Each day as it comes . (Matthew 6: 34). What a relief for all of us to know that God holds all things in his strong hand , and each of our situations is under his control and that nothing can happen to us without it also gives us a way to get us out . Thank you Lord for your great providence and your infinite faithfulness to us ! Come closer to me, tell the Lord Whenever you are looking for someone who really loves you, that you feel alone or misunderstood, you need someone to listen to you or you do not know how you get out, then I advise you to all my heart of approaching God , the God who loves you and he knows you better than anyone. The Lord , he will always be time for you and listen to you carefully. It understands you , even when you, you do not understand . He loves you as you are and you shall take in its invisible arms , He will communicate safety awareness and thou shalt take of the presence of the angels and the omnipotence of the hand that holds you . It is this immovable rock for you and will take you by the hand to lead you in a safe place on the way the best he has prepared for you. He will comfort you , if youre sad or discouraged . He wants to be for you light in the darkness and restore hope you, when thou dash to your own limits. The Lord is the Good Shepherd . To him , all your worries fade and divine peace, security , even in troubled waters , you are ensured. Learn to unburden ourselves upon Him all our cares , because he, the only one worthy of absolute trust in this world, takes care of us . What insurance! What security ! Reverend Pastor SINTILUS Jamcy Adams Samuel
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 17:48:57 +0000

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